News | 18 June 2024

Week 18 June 2024

What’s on in the next fortnight

Berwyn and Dee Mounted Games Friendly – Crickheath – 22/06/24 – 23/06/24 22/06/2024 Click Here
Shooting Practice- Meg -Ty’r Aer Mawr. 24/06/24 24/06/2024 Click Here
Musical Ride Training – Glan y Wern – 25/06/24 25/06/2024 Click Here
Musical Ride Training – Glan y Wern – 25/06/24 25/06/2024 Click Here
Working rally for all abilities – Tandderwen 26/06/24 26/06/2024 Click Here
SJ Training – Dyfnog Stud – 27/06/24 27/06/2024 Click Here
Mounted Game – Training – Sirior Goch – 30/06/24 30/06/2024 Click Here
Working Rally – Highfield, Northop Hall – 01/07/24 01/07/2024 Click Here
Working rally for all abilities – H R Equestrian – 03/07/24 03/07/2024 Click Here


Medical Consent Form

The branch cannot be used as child minding and parents need to stay around at rallies/ training sessions. If for a serious reason the parent/guardian has to leave, please could the medical consent form be filled in and given to the event organiser. This is in case of an emergency.

Useful Information


Flint & Denbigh Branch Tetrathlon

What a weekend Flint & Denbigh had at the Area 5 Tetrathlon Qualifier held in Mostyn and Mold Leisure Centre June 15/16th. Flint & Denbigh had 22 entries forward – 9 Tetrathletes, 6 Triathletes and 7 young Biathletes.

The competition started on the Saturday with the Cross Country at Mostyn. The course was much improved from last year but still rather twisty for bigger horses. Although clears in the time were few and far between, the young F&D team of Catrin, Zoe, Casper and Lleucu were the unexpected overnight leaders with 4 x 1400 clears!!

It was exciting the next day to see if they would hold on to their lead, which was touch and go, but they managed it and WON the team competition.

It was not Macsen’s day Cross-Country-wise but little Elin came home with a 1400 too, and came 2nd to Zoe in the Mini Novice Girls. Lleucu has qualified for the Champs as an Individual Junior. Well done, Lleucu. Zoe won the Mini Novice girls with top run, Elin was 2nd with top shoot and Catrin was 3rd with the top swim medal. Casper (Mini Boys) came 2nd in that class with 1400 XC and the most amazing run of 3.18 but his shoot let him down.

In the Tadpole Triathlon Megan won, little Gweni was 5th and Alys was 6th. Anni won the Beanie Girls Triathlon. Joseff James won the Beanie Boys Triathlon. Beanie Biathlon dominated by F&D, who were in order; Ioan 1st, Finlay 2nd, Jac 3rd, Magi 4th, Harri 5th, Esmay 6th. Everyone came home with a prize!

Our Intermediate team of Leah, Harriet and Olivia rode well. Leah and Harriet achieved 1400 clears but Olivia’s mare was not in the mood! Harriet and Leah only just finished their GCSEs this week. Harriet won the Intermediate Girls with Leah 2nd. Harriet’s riding has come on so much and she had the top swim medal. Harriet has chipped away at Tetrathlon for a few years and her hard work has finally paid off.

This team has qualified to go to the Champs in August in Offchurch. They will have a blast! Good Luck girls!

Orla and Lleucu were selected to represent Wales at the Junior International Championships held in Moreton Morrell, Warwick June 1st/2nd. Orla was CAPTAIN of the Welsh team which came 3rd. Orla did an excellent shoot, run and swim and we all thought she was going to win but her young horse put in a few stops. It was a really technical course. Lleucu had a good shoot, great swim and 1400 clear XC but the run let her down. This competition involves teams from Scotland, England, Ireland and Ireland and they have a wonderful party on the Saturday night.