News | 4 July 2024

Caspar competes for Wales and Borders – report

Photo by Jasmine Punter Photography

Last weekend, Caspar Kissane headed down to the immaculately presented Oxstalls farm to compete for Wales and Borders in the International Mini Tetrathlon competition which even saw several Irish teams taking the trip over the Irish Sea.

He was the only competitor from Flint and Denbigh branch and carried the responsibility of representing them with a grim and steely determination. Hopes weren’t high on the parents’ side but he was determined to prove them wrong.

The shoot was held in a marquee on site and with gun checked, safety glasses located, he was ready to go. As many will know, Cas’ shooting is a bit erratic but after a sharpener with Meg and some practice at home he managed to pull 840 out of the bag which is “gfc” ( a well known phrase in the Kissane household – good for Cas!).

Onto the swim, after a new pair of swimming trunks had been acquired at the pool, as Cas chooses then to tell us his current pair keep falling down when he dives in! He manages a 5 metre PB and finally gets over the elusive 5 lengths in 2 minutes.

That evening there was a big fancy dress party (theme being Paris) where all the competitors and parents chatted, danced, ate, drank and laughed long into the night.

Up the next day and onto the riding phase. WOW. It was big, technical and long. The organisers had been kind and there were learner fences on almost every fence on the course. Despite that, the course caused carnage. Rider after rider returned to the stables with tales of woe, L fences, refusals and dips in the water. Finally Cas and Rory’s time came and boy, did they step up! Cas “rode like he stole him” and Rory jumped his hooves off for him. They were deducted 60 penalties for a pilot error resulting in crossing their tracks but otherwise had no deductions. The result of this was Cas shooting up the leaderboard with only the running to go.

And run, he certainly did with an amazing 3min 16 secs time but sadly he missed “best run” by ONE second. However, this was enough to propel him into fourth place in the entire competition. Unfortunately, the three Welsh teams were unable to bother the team results but all competitors reported having a whale of a time.

The competition was beautifully run, everyone was so welcoming and friends were made for life. Cas can highly recommend entering to anyone who is thinking of having a go next year but you’ll need to wear your brave pants for the xc ……….. and bring a spare set!!!!