News | 4 June 2024

Week 4 June 2024

Llandyrnog Horse Show

Saturday 15th June. If any Pony Club members are thinking of coming to Llandyrnog Horse Show, no entries are taken on the day. All entries are on Horse Monkey and close next week.


Puppy show

The Flint and Denbigh Hunt invite all members and parents to attend the hound puppy show at Cefn on Saturday 8th June at 3pm. Tea will be served afterwards at the village hall.


Committee Vacancy

After an amazing time of volunteering with Pony Club , Iona has decided that it is time to stand down from her role at the end of the year. On behalf of all members of Flint and Denbigh Hunt branch Pony Club, I would like to say a massive Thank you to Iona.

Personally as DC I would like to thank Iona for all of her work and support to me over the many years. You will be greatly missed.

Iona has been branch secretary for 19 years and a district secretary for over 30 years. She was awarded The branch Pony Club Secretary of the year in 2013.

Over the years the tasks and roles which Iona has carried out have grown!

Please see the list below:

  • Tests & badges
  • Riding and road safety training and tests
  • Merchandise orders and sales (clothing, badges etc.)
  • Fixture lists
  • Minute secretary
  • Member secretary on PELHAM
  • Organising WL show jumping and dressage (this is shared role with other members of coomittee).

If anyone is interested in taking on any of the roles, please contact Bethan Jones on 07887722583.

Iona is also happy to have a chat about all of the areas she has covered.

The deadline for all applications is 5th July 2024. But please do have a chat with us before you commit if you want to.


Packwood Haugh School Triathlon

Six young Flint and Denbigh members travelled down to Packwood Haugh School Triathlon near Shrewsbury which was aimed at younger members.

Although it was a wet start, it finished with the run in lovely sunshine. It was a very welcoming event with everyone involved more than happy to help.

  • Elin Jones WON the Mini class, with the best shoot.
  • Gweni Jones finished 2nd in her class with 2nd best shoot and an improved run time
  • Magi Jones missed out on a rosette but did a great run
  • Finlay Eastwood WON the Tiddlers class with the fastest run, joint best bean bag and 2nd in the swim.
  • Esmay Eastwood was thrilled with her pink rosette and was amazing in the swim for her size and age. Many little ones were having melt downs but Esmay was a trooper.

The venue was excellent and each competitor left with sweets and a cap so all were happy!


Wanted – To Buy or Loan

12-13hh second pony. Must be safe and happy to go off the lead rein. Age and flashiness not important. For a very enthusiastic and kind 7 year old looking to do all Pony Club activities, hacking, local shows. Looking for the type who has already taken a child round Pony Club and enjoys their work. Please message Hannah on 07794 821681.