Team Selection Policy

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Whenever it is necessary or appropriate for the Branch to enter a team in any sport or activity, that team or those teams will be selected in accordance with the following policy:
All team selection will be done as fairly and as openly as possible. Once those members willing and eligible to be selected for the team in question have been identified, further selection will take into account a number of factors including:

  1. COMMITMENT – in all respects – to Branch, to training and rallies, to the competition and to their fellow members; and
  2. PERFORMANCE – both in previous competitions, at rallies and in training.

The order in which these two factors are placed is significant. The policy is not a ‘’win at all costs’’ policy but where members are broadly equal in terms of commitment, the member who has demonstrated superiority of performance is more likely to be selected. We want to win and encourage members but not at the expense of all else. At the same time, we want to acknowledge and reward loyalty but sometimes it is right that other factors take precedence.

It is important that members attend rallies and training on the horse/pony they intend to compete on.

This may sometimes mean that a member is disappointed. It is almost inevitable – but that adds to the learning curve upon which all children and young people will travel and, hopefully, will act as a spur to future commitment and performance.

Team selection will, as far as possible, be carried out by the sport head, in consultation with two others. These would be people best qualified for the task. Ideally these would be people
who attend training and competitions – but there will always be difficulties if it is left to members (or, more particularly, members’ parents) and these could lead to problems which are best avoided if possible.

Team selectors will choose teams to represent the Branch. They will try to take into account all factors but most particularly will assess commitment and performance. In the absence of the discipline head the selection will be the responsibility of the District Commissioner who may nominate a third party to carry out the role.

Every member who has not been put in a Branch team will be put forward for an Area 5 team.

Bethan L Jones
District Commissioner Flint and Denbigh Branch Pony Club
February 2024