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Hambledon Hunt (North) Pony Club Junior Camp 2024

Wednesday 8 August to Friday 10 August 2024. 10.00 – 15.30 pm

Lower Peake, Warnford, Hampshire SO32 3LA

WOW! It is that time of year again when we invite our members to join us at the superb Lower Peake for Junior Camp this summer. The facilities here are incredible with a huge outdoor arena with a whole variety of show jumps as well as a Cross Country course with fences ranging from 30cm – 1m; perfect for our junior members and for those more experienced members too.

As well as cross country, enjoy a jam-packed week of instruction including showjumping, flatwork, mounted games, stable management and not forgetting the hugely popular visit from the local hounds.

Members will be put into similar age and ability groups of up to six with a chosen instructor who will be there to guide them for the whole week. There will also be a vet talk, a visit from the hounds and Pony Club badges and tests will be taken by those who want to.

We see such great improvement over the week and strong friendships formed. On the last afternoon, we run a friendly competition in cross country and showjumping, judged on style and improvement. Regrettably, we are not able to offer a night of camping.

Junior Camp is aimed at members who are off the lead rein and in control in an open space, parents are encouraged to leave their children each day, we have many very capable senior helpers and all of our instructors are first aid trained, safe guard trained and DBS checked.

Parents are very welcome to come to the competition on Friday.

We ask that your child attends 2 rallies before attending camp so we know which group to put them into.

Bookings are open in on Entrymaster

Cost: £135.00 per rider. The initial £50 deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE

If you have any queries or would like to chat about what Camp involves, please do not hesitate to contact me, Sophie Harris-Evans Please WhatsApp or call: 07866462956 or e mail and put PONY CLUB CAMP in the subject line.