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Area 12 Competition Calendar

Are you looking to compete in our Pony Club area? Find out what is on at the area 12.

Regional, Area and Championships Qualifiers

Ivel Valley has recently had great success at the various Championships the Pony Club has to offer. We are really keen for as many of us as possible to enjoy the thrill of competing at Champs – and there is something available for every age group, discipline and competition level.

We have compiled the following information to try and explain the ins and outs of how to get to Champs – so please read on…

Prix Caprilli

The Prix Caprilli tests were initially developed in the early 1960s to evaluate rider skill rather than the movement of the horse or pony. These tests typically feature two small jumps, originally known as Caprilli jumps, named after Frederico Caprilli, an instructor at the Italian cavalry schools of Tor di Quinto and Pinerolo. Despite commonly being credited with inventing the forward seat, it was actually predated by the Hungarian Hussars, who emulated riders from various regions including the Russian Steppes, the Scythians of Central Asia, and the Persian Parthians.

Originally, the Prix Caprilli jumps consisted of single fixed offset poles on crosses at each end, which could be adjusted in height by rotating them on the crosses. However, due to safety concerns, they were prohibited from use in the mid-1970s. Nowadays, ordinary jumps or poles on blocks are used instead.

The Prix Caprilli began in the Northern Home Counties as a quasi-area competition in the early 1970s and is now held alongside area dressage competitions. It has become a unique competition exclusive to Area 12, with winners not advancing to further competitions. Despite this, Area 12’s district commissioners continue to support it as it provides younger riders with a gentle introduction to a form of dressage.