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Miss Mary was the daughter of Sir Edward and Lady Daisy Rouse Boughton of Downton Hall, near Ludlow.

Sir Edward, Lady Daisy, and Miss Mary were great hunting enthusiasts whose involvement and support were immense.  The “North Ludlow” hounds were kennelled at Downton Hall and Lady Daisy and Miss Mary managed to keep them going for at least part of the Second World War (1939-45) until they were amalgamated with the Ludlow Hounds at Caynham.  From 1944 to 1947/48, the legendary Capt Ronnie Wallace became Master and Huntsman. Still, later Miss Mary often hunted the hounds herself and for a time, during the early 1950s, regularly “carried the horn” on Mondays.

Lady Daisy founded the Ludlow Hunt branch of the Pony Club in 1929, one of the first in the country.  Miss Mary was a member as a child and then instructed for many years and was a very familiar figure at rallies, hunter trials, and camps.  Many current members’ parents and grandparents have tales to tell of Miss Mary, her high standards (ask about tack cleaning inspections at Camp!), and the respect she commanded. (“Terrifying” is a word that springs to mind!) She was awarded the Guy Cubitt Award in 1988, in recognition of sixty years of service to the Pony Club, and was President of the branch until her death on 30 December 1991.

The Ludlow Hunt and the Pony Club have always been made very welcome at Downton Hall and have held many events there over the years, a tradition, which continues through the generous and enthusiastic support of the Wiggin family.  MISS MARY DAY is being held to remember the past but also to celebrate both the present and the future of the Pony Club at Downton Hall.