This week we said a sad farewell to Louise who has stepped down as our club DC after 9 years and being involved with LHPC Committees, Camps and Shows for the last 25 years.
We would like to wish a very warm welcome to our new DC Amanda Barker. Here is an introduction from Amanda:
Dear members,
As your new DC, I thought I should introduce myself to those of you that don’t know me.
I got involved with Ludlow Pony Club 18 years ago when my twin girls joined with their feral ponies, followed a few years later by both my boys on much improved ponies. I remember the worry of the first rally, the terror of parking the trailer somewhere new and being unsure what to expect. And how relieved I was to find Ludlow PC was such a warm and welcoming club.
I started volunteering with the Parents Committee to raise funds and soon got my first official role sorting out rosettes for competitions , camps and Presentation Evening. I still love picking out the colours and themes – we have some very exciting gold heart ones for this year’s Valentine’s Showjumping.
I became chair of the Parent’s Committee and we started to run bigger team showjumping events as well as our Grafton jumping competitions, where I get to unravel bunting and decorate the jumps – sometimes with quite funny results (one of my giant eggs from Easter once went pop in the middle of one of Sue’s lessons.) My youngest son George enjoyed Tetrathlon, and as a team we planned our own Tetrathlons at Pound Green and Lincomb that was great fun and I soon got to grips with the blizzard of rosettes at Tetrathlon presentations.
Next I took on the role of Showjumping Team Manager and pledged to try and get teams at every possible big equestrian event I could find. We had so much fun travelling to Chatsworth, Rockingham and Gatcomb.I soon became one of the Pony Club photographers, chasing competitors around Areas and Champs in search for that elusive ‘ears forward’ photo, keeping a steady hand on the shutter when nervous parents, shaking as their children entered the ring for the first time, couldn’t. And of course, dispensing polos to good ponies after.
I joined Lou as Assistant DC in the spring of her first year in 2018 and, more recently, have been working with our wonderful Friend’s Committee helping bring back our Annual Show, and having loads of fun designing the Handy Pony this year. Our Grafton showjumping has grown in popularity over the years, its such a lovely fun show our next one is this Sunday 16th Feb.
I am very much looking forward to my first year of being your DC, and will be popping up at rallies and training to get to know you all and, of course, your ponies. I will do my best to support the Committee and to keep Ludlow Pony Club the best it can be. We have a Family Social planned on March 8th at Little Hereford, where you can find out how to sign up for Areas, play fun games and meet all our team managers along with a bring and buy sale for our uniform.
Look forward to seeing you all soon