Achievement Badges

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Achievement Badges are a fun way to learn more about horse care, riding and countryside management. With over 40 badges to earn, there is always something new to achieve.  Members attending Mini Camp will automatically be awarded the Handling & Grooming and Tack Cleaning Badges.  Members attending Camp will automatically gain their Handling & Grooming, Tack Cleaning and Mucking Out Badges.

Gold Awards are presented when 14 mini or 21 main badges have been achieved, what an outstanding effort!

Have a look at the links below for all the badges available and their related requirements. During the school holidays, Mid Surrey run training and testing dates for different badges, so make sure you keep an eye out for the email detailing the dates and the badges on offer. Training is free of charge to members and Badges are £2 each, payable on the day of the test.  Badges can be sewn onto your Mid Surrey sweatshirt. If you are not receiving the emails, please contact us and we will make sure you are added to the mailing list.


Please note that to view the syllabus for the badges, you will need your PC membership number to login to the portal.