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The goal of show jumping is for a horse and rider combination to complete a course of coloured fences in the fastest time without getting any faults.  Show jumping competitions are held during Mid Surrey summer shows and clear round showjumping at our hunter trials.  Please see the Events Calendar for full details.

Teams at Mid Surrey are split into different levels depending on height of jumps.  Please contact the appropriate Team Organiser if you are interested in joining one of our teams for showjumping and the Eventer’s Challenge.





Dressage is solely flatwork that is designed to show the judge you can control your pony through various transitions while learning how to work with your horse and show off a series of set movements.  Mid Surrey hold Dressage Competitions at Ebbisham Farm during the winter season that you are encouraged to attend.  We also hold dressage training sessions at our rallies and competitions during our summer shows.

Please contact the appropriate Team Organiser if you are interested in joining one of the Dressage teams at Mid Surrey. All Pony Club Dressage tests can be downloaded below and practiced at home.



Eventing and Cross Country

Eventing involves three phases: Dressage, Show Jumping & Cross Country.  At Pony Club, all three phases are completed on the same day at a one day event (ODE). Hunter Trials are competitions involving just the Cross Country phase.

Mid Surrey hold Hunter Trials throughout the year, using the wonderful cross country facilities at the Pony Club field.  Our cross country jumps cater for all levels and abilities and form the basis of our members training during rallies.   Mid Surrey Teams are split into levels of ability and if you are interested in joining a team, please contact the appropriate Team Organiser.

Mid Surrey also host their own Eventer’s Challenge which comprises a course of show jumps followed by a course of cross country jumps and then finishing with some further show jumps.



Tetrathlon and Triathlon

Tetrathlon is a team (4 members with best 3 scores to count) and individual competition for boys and girls of four phases:

Riding – Cross country (and sometimes showjumping) over 16 fences with opening/shutting gate mounted and dismounting and negotiating a slip rail included.  This is positive scoring so the competitor is rewarded for the number of obstacles they successfully negotiate.  The Mini Mini ride is in an enclosed area over a shortened course of show jumps. However; if the height of the cross country jumps is too great for an individual’s current ability, there is the option of ‘jumping down’ a height but take penalty in points for doing so.

Shooting – Air pistols at static or turning targets (depending on age group). Shooting practice is offered regularly in the run up to the competitions.

Swimming  As far as each competitor can swim for a set time (between 2 and 3 minutes).

Running – Over a distance of 500m to 3000m depending on age group.

Age groups are “Beanies” mixed gender 8 years and under (not allowed to shoot but substitute bean bag throwing).  All other age groups, girls and boys have separate classes.  “Tadpoles” under 10 years, “Mini” under 12 years, “Junior” under 15 years and “Intermediate”-“Open”, over 15 years.

Triathlon is for members under 12 years where the riding phase isn’t included, but enables them to still take part in the other phases.

Mounted Games

Mounted Games

Mounted Games is a team sport that combines a love of ponies and friends with various races. Teams of four or five riders and ponies take part in a series of exciting and exhilarating races that involve a mix of turns, handovers, skill, vaulting and galloping against other teams.

Often run on grass or all-weather surfaces, Mounted Games is an adaptation of Gymkhana. It is great fun for you and your pony. Develop skills such as improving accuracy, agility, concentration, speed, hand to eye coordination, team work and sportsmanship whilst having lots of fun.