Our rally programme is now available to book online at Horse Events.
Rallies can also be found on the calendar on our website.
Please note the closing date for booking on each rally, once this date has passed the rally will be closed on Horse Events. Have a read through the titles and all the rally details can be seen in the ‘About This Rally’ section, also scroll down to ‘Additional Information’.
Please contact the rally organiser with any queries about a particular rally.
We will continue to publish times near the date of the rally, find details on the TIMES page.
In the unfortunate situation of a rally or event having to be cancelled, all entries will be refunded in full minus any booking fees.
Up to 10 days before the rally:
If you need to cancel a booking for a rally before the closing date, please login to your Horse Events account and cancel your entry. If a refund is due, this will be processed automatically. To withdraw after the closing date please contact the Rally Organiser.
Less than 10 days before the rally:
After the closing date, please contact the Rally Organiser to make any changes, this is usually the instructor who is holding the rally. Their contact details can be found on the Rally event schedule.
IF YOU CANNOT MAKE IT ON THE DAY, PLEASE LET THE RALLY ORGANISER KNOW – please give as much notice as possible!
If a child is to be left at a rally or PC event, appropriate arrangements must be made for the child and their pony to be cared for. However, it must be clearly understood that Parents / Guardians keep responsibility for their own children at all times, whether the parent / guardian is present at the activity or not.
In the first instance, the parent / guardian must make their own arrangements for the care of their child with another parent. This is a private arrangement between parents / guardians that does not involve a PC official. The PC instructor must however be informed of any such arrangement. The use of a medical armband in this situation can be helpful.
If all parents are being asked to leave their children in the care of a PC official, then a medical care consent form must be completed before the child is left. This form will be provided by the PC official (usually the instructor) and will ask for an emergency contact number, information regarding any allergies, and any other issues that the PC official needs to be aware of in the parents / guardians absence. It will also require a signature. Please do not leave your child without completing this form.
When children are being left for longer, or even overnight (for example PC Camp), a more comprehensive consent needs to be undertaken. This consent form can be downloaded here medical-consent-form 2023.