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29th June to Friday 18th October.

View the rally programme below, select the rallies you’d like to attend and please book via the Google Form Rally Slip below.

Saturday 29th June to Friday 18th October 2024 NFHPC Rally Programme *additional rallies added below

Please book rallies from 29th June to Friday 18th October using the link below:

Google Form Rally Slip Link

Please book no later than Sunday 30th June.

On completing your booking, you’ll receive a confirmation email.

Please make payment at the time of booking to NFHPC by bank transfer, please quote your surname as the reference, using the bank details below.

*Additional Rallies:


Bank details for online payment by BACS:

New Forest Hunts Pony Club
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00024583


Any queries about the programme, please email

We will publish times nearer the date of the rally, find details on the TIMES page



How to cancel

Up to 10 days before the rally:
Please email Louise Allison, Rally Co-ordinator, at to ask her to remove your entry. You will not be charged.

Less than 10 days before the rally:
Please contact the instructor who is holding the rally. Their contact details can be found on the Rally Programme. At this stage you will be charged unless one of the following is provided:
1) A medical certificate
2) A vet certificate
3) Your place can be filled with a paying member who is appropriate to the group.

IF YOU CANNOT MAKE IT, ALWAYS CANCEL YOUR RALLY PLACE – please give as much notice as possible!

PLEASE NOTE: We are having an increasing number of ‘No Shows’ – You will be automatically charged if you do not turn up to rally that you have booked. Please think about your coach/instructor and other members of your ride.


How to behave at rallies:

  • Please read the Pony Club codes of conduct for members and parents/guardians.
  • Please take responsibility for clearing up after your pony both in and out of the arena. And, if you notice any unclaimed droppings, please dispose of these too.
  • Please drive and park with great care. Avoid grass areas unless specifically asked to use them. If in doubt, ask first!
  • Keep haynets inside your trailers to minimise mess.
  • Please help the instructors by taking care not to enter the arena unless you are invited by the instructor, but also be aware to offer help if you think they may require assistance with jumps etc.
  • It would be easy to underestimate how much preparation is needed to organise our rallies, and as with all best laid plans, there are often last minute changes which can have an effect on the final group numbers for example. Where possible we will try to fill spaces and re-organise groups when we hear of cancellations, but often this is not possible and in these cases the rally groups may not look as balanced as we had planned.
  • Please be prepared to help put equipment away at the end of a rally. Please offer rather than wait to be asked.
  • Make sure you thank the instructor (and venue owner, if appropriate) on departure.
  • Before you leave, double check that everything has been left in a tidy state.

Medical Care Consent:

If a child is to be left at a rally or PC event, appropriate arrangements must be made for the child and their pony to be cared for. However, it must be clearly understood that Parents / Guardians keep responsibility for their own children at all times, whether the parent / guardian is present at the activity or not.

In the first instance, the parent / guardian must make their own arrangements for the care of their child with another parent. This is a private arrangement between parents / guardians that does not involve a PC official. The PC instructor must however be informed of any such arrangement. The use of a medical armband in this situation can be helpful.

If all parents are being asked to leave their children in the care of a PC official, then a medical care consent form must be completed before the child is left. This form will be provided by the PC official (usually the instructor) and will ask for an emergency contact number, information regarding any allergies, and any other issues that the PC official needs to be aware of in the parents / guardians absence. It will also require a signature. Please do not leave your child without completing this form.

When children are being left for longer, or even overnight (for example PC Camp), a more comprehensive consent needs to be undertaken. This consent form can be downloaded here medical-consent-form 2023.

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