Event Team Selection

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To guide selection of individuals and teams in a fair, equitable and transparent way.

The Selection Guidelines apply to the selection of riders / teams for the following competitions:

• Inter branch show jumping
• All Pony Club Area competitions
• Blenheim Eventer Challenge
• Windsor branch nominations
• Other team competitions where entries are by invitation

The selection committee will comprise of the following:-
• District Commissioner
• Associated discipline Team Manager.

Advice and guidance may be obtained from the associated discipline team coach/trainer. If any one of the selectors is either the parent / legal guardian, a relation or has privately trained any rider who is being considered for selection they will not be part of the selection decision involving that individual.

Full eligibility rules can be referenced in the associated Pony Club Discipline Rule Book. We would advise each rider/parent to review the PC Discipline Rule Book to confirm they are eligible for selection. The DC will ensure that all riders/horses selected are fully eligible to compete at their nominated level at the close of entries.

Riders applying for consideration for selection MUST ensure their availability for the dates of the respective competition they are applying for, and associated Championship should they qualify. Should they not be available for the associated Championship they must declare this early in selection procedure.

The Selectors reserve the right not to send a team or individual to any competition.

• Combinations should be actively and successfully competing within the discipline at the associated level, with visible results.
• Recent form will take priority. Past form at major and team events may be taken into consideration by the selectors.
• Riders should be active members of the branch. Exceptions are at the discretion of the DC, where attendance is not possible due to work or school commitments.
• For Blenheim and Windsor competitions if oversubscribed with equal ability combinations priority may be given to those members who have not competed at the same level in the preceding year.
• Consideration will also be given for active participation by the member in OBH(H) activities during the preceding year.

Riders should register their interest in being considered for teams; this may be through response to email or other electronic means sent out via the branch. Training will be run throughout the year and will be open to all riders working at the defined level.

Competitors will be selected by the Selection Committee by close of entries and riders will be informed by email of their selection.

It is vitally important for the integrity of the selection guidelines and those involved in its application both as riders, owners, selectors or other officials, that there is at all times a high degree of confidentiality relating to information which may have a bearing on selection.

Team spirit is of utmost importance. OBH(H) expects riders and their supporters to have a good attitude and participate in all the required activities. A high level of commitment to all the varied aspects for the preparation process is important.

Once at the competition all riders are expected to stay for the duration of the competition to support other team members and attend prize giving even if they themselves, as an individual, have not been placed. Exceptions to this would be when a horse and/or rider has sustained an injury.

When representing the branch members are expected to turn themselves and their pony/horse out to a high standard. This will include plaiting their pony/horse and wearing correct Pony Club attire including tie and badge. Members are also expected to wear proper attire at prize giving.

Although good results in competitions are important, the onus is on the riders not to over campaign their horses / ponies. It is important that riders plan ahead so they and their horse / pony are in the best form for the designated competition.

Riders/parents are to pay full fees at all area competitions including other team events such as Interbranch, Blenheim and Windsor. Contributions towards entry fees will be made for individuals or teams going to the Championship competitions when representing OBH(H).

All travel costs, stabling and accommodation are the responsibility of the rider/parent.

All other competitions will be entirely self-funded by riders/parent.

Where entries and payment need to be submitted by the Branch riders/parents will be required to reimburse the relevant fees to the Branch in advance of the competition date. Parents should contact the DC if their child is unable to register their interest for selection due to financial constraints.

Once an entry has been made by the branch on behalf of the member, the member must reimburse the branch even if they do not attend the competition due to illness of horse/pony and/or rider.

All selected riders agree to abide by the rules of the competition at all times.

The selectors may substitute a team member for a reserve between the announcement of the team up to the start of competition. However the reason for a substitution will only be because either there is a strong veterinary case for substitution or the performance of the team member has dropped off to such an extent that for the success of the team a substitution is vital. The latter situation will almost certainly occur as a result of a veterinary problem which it may or may not be possible to define given the time/resources available at the time.

If the decision is made to change a team member for a reserve then this issue will be handled in a very sensitive and sympathetic manner.

Riders who have registered their interest in teams must advise the DC or team manager of any change in their own health or fitness status or their horse / pony’s health status or veterinary / medical management as soon as possible.

A rider’s application (to be considered for selection) is taken as a rider’s declaration to be available for the dates of the competition (and associated Championship) for which they have applied. Riders must make it known early in selection procedure should they not be available for associated Championships.

Any enquiries on selection should be directed to the DC or Team Manager.