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General Information 

Tetrathlon (numerical prefix “tetra” – meaning four) is a team and individual competition organised by the Pony Club for its members. It comprises Shooting, Swimming, Running and Riding. 

Many Branches arrange year-round Tetrathlon training sessions and competitions as a precursor to Summer Area Competitions, generally held in June and July, from which the strongest teams and individuals go forward to the annual Tetrathlon Championships. 

Junior and Senior International competitions are also arranged in June and August respectively, with teams representing English Regions, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and Wales and Borders competing for top honours. 

Every other year there is an invitational international exchange programme to compete against other nations. In 2018, Boys and Girls teams travelled to the USA for a three week exchange, and in 2020 the Pony Club were set to be hosting an exchange for teams from Australia, the USA, Canada and Ireland. 

In the winter season, Triathlon competitions are arranged focusing on Shooting, Swimming and Running. Classes are arranged as follows: 

Classes are arranged as follows: 

Competition Levels – Championship Qualifiers 

  • Open Boys (25 and under) – Ride: 1m / Shoot: 10m turning target one handed / Swim: 4 minutes / Run: 3000m 
  • Open Girls (25 and under) – Ride: 1m / Shoot: 10m turning target one handed / Swim: 3 minutes / Run: 1500m 
  • Intermediate Boys (25 and under) – Ride: 1m / Shoot: 10m turning target one handed / Swim: 3 minutes / Run: 2000m 
  • Intermediate Girls (25 and under) – Ride: 1m/ Shoot: 10m turning target one handed / Swim: 3 minutes / Run: 1500m 
  • Junior Boys and Girls (14 and under) – Ride: 0.90m / Shoot: 10m turning target one handed / Swim: 3 minutes / Run: 1500m 

Competition Levels – Non Qualifying Championship 

  • Intermediate Novice Boys (25 and under) – Ride: 0.90m / Shoot: 10m turning targets one handed / Swim: 3 minutes / Run: 2000m 
  • Intermediate Novice Girls (25 and under) – Ride: 0.90m / Shoot: 10m turning targets one handed / Swim: 3 minutes / Run: 1500m 
  • Junior Novice Boys and Girls (14 and under) – Ride: 0.80m / Shoot: 7m turning target one handed / Swim: 3 minutes / Run: 1500m 
  • Minimus Boys and Girls (11 and under) – Ride: 0.80m / Shoot: 7m turning target one handed / Swim: 2 minutes / Run: 1000m 
  • Tadpoles Boys and Girls (9 and under) – Ride: 0.60m / Shoot: 7m static targets two handed / Swim: 2 minutes / Run: 1000m 
  • Beanies Boys and Girls (7 and under) – Ride: 0.40m / Shoot: 0.4om beanbag at target / Swim: 2 minutes / Run: 500m         

OBH Hughenden Tetrathlon 

Shooting Practice 

Our shoot training runs every other Friday at Chinnor Shooting Club, from 7pm – once you have received your initial safety briefing you can turn up and practice as and when you can during the evening. You must have completed a minimum of two practices in order to be able to enter for competitions but we would prefer you to have as many as possible. 

(training is currently suspended and we will notify you when it starts again) 


We are looking at options for a regular swim practice once swimming is allowed to re-commence. 


This is something you can certainly practice on your own and we will be setting up a Strava group for everyone to share their progress with each other! 

Cross Country Training 

Area 12 organises specific Cross Country training for Tetrathlons for all heights from 40cm up to 1m. Venues include Attington, Tweseldown and Milton Keynes Equestrian Centre. Dates will be circulated to all interested members. 

If you are not currently competing at the required ride height for your age group it is possible to compete at a lower height in exchange for penalty points so please don’t let this concern you! We just want everyone to enjoy it and have fun! 

If you are keen to compete in Tetrathlon or just find out what it is all about please contact Emma Baker on 07841 045204 or email and Emma will distribute the training dates to you. 

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