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“Dressage is the ultimate expression of horse training and elegance. Often compared to ballet, the intense connection between both human and equine athletes is a thing of beauty to behold.” Source: 

Dressage is about showing the judge that you can get your pony to do what you want him to do, when you want him to do it. 

You and your pony have to follow a set of instructions laid out in the dressage test. 

A judge marks the test. They give you a mark out of ten for how well you carry out each instruction. At the end of the test the marks are added up and the winner is the horse and rider with the highest score. 

How Do I Start? 

The good new is that you have probably already started doing some Dressage! 

When you are riding at home and getting the pony to do the things that you want him to do you are already practising the basics of dressage.  To improve you and your pony might want to have lessons with an instructor. This includes the lessons that you have at a rally, where you will also get help with your riding and learning new movements and interesting exercises to practice. 

Can I Do More? 

As you and your pony get better and your confidence grows you may want to take part in a competition.  If you cannot remember your dressage test, don’t worry as someone can read the test out loud to you (apart from Area Competitions and Championships).

With lots of practice and competition experience you may even get to compete at National Pony Club Dressage competitions! 


Prix Caprilli 

This competition is rather unique within Area 12 and comprises of a dressage test with small jumps.  It is great introduction for branch members to ride a fun dressage test in a competitive environment although it is an Area only competition so competitors do not qualify for Championships. 

Prix Caprilli was started in Area 12 many years ago because District Commissioners felt there was a distinct need for a test which marked the skills of the rider, and not the way the horse was moving. 

The test judges will view competitors with a sympathetic and encouraging approach.