News | 2 April 2024
Friday Night Club – starts Friday 26th April!

We will be starting Friday Night Club (FNC) again this year beginning on Friday 26th April and running on most alternate Fridays through until the end of October. The dates and locations are given below.
Timing: 6pm to 7.30pm (10 years and under). 6pm to 8pm (11 years and over).
What is Friday Night Club (FNC)?
At FNC we cover horse and pony care and riding theory including Achievement Badges and Efficiency Test practice and testing as well as other fun activities. We aim to keep FNC sociable and enjoyable, and it’s a great way to meet up with other OBHS members and learn at the same time.
All sessions are on foot and no ponies are required.
However, as there is lots of practical work, you will need to wear clothing suitable for a stable yard, including boots, and have your hat and gloves with you. OBHS hoodies or sweatshirts are fine.
Where is it held?
Low Meadow Farm, Duke’s Valley, Windsor Road, Gerrards Cross, SL9 8SR
How Much Does It Cost?
£65 payable in advance for the Spring/Summer term.
The dates for Spring/Summer are:
26 April; 10 May; 24 May; 7 June; 21 June; 5 July; 19 July
FNC is heavily subsidised by the branch with up to 5 coaches at each session.
The cost for the Autumn term will be £35 – payable in August – so you will receive a reminder nearer the time. For those of you who would like to put the Autumn term dates in your diary, they are 13th Sept, 27th Sept, 11th Oct and 25th Oct.
How Do I Sign Up?
Please sign up on EntryMaster here for the Summer Term:
We Will Expect You To Inform Us In Advance If You Are Not Planning to Attend a Session
I’m sure you can imagine that a lot of pre-planning and organisation is required, including booking coaches – so we need to know which sessions you will be attending.
We will ask you to confirm your attendance at each session a week beforehand to allow for planning. This is particularly important as these sessions are heavily subsidised and we don’t want to incur costs unnecessarily.
We hope to see you at FNC!