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We call our youngest members Teddies and Hares. Teddies are on the lead rein or very novice. Hares are those off the lead rein and developing confidence.

We have regular training at Sharon Wadsworth’s yard, Birkwood Farm, Overton. It is taught by Sharon in her indoor arena which is a great safe space for young riders. Sessions are aimed to improve the rider’s position, balance, core strength and aids. Maximum 4 children in a group. Training is typically on a Sunday morning with groups starting at 10am. These sessions are perfect if you have just joined pony club to come along, meet everyone and have fun.

We have a Teddies Easter fun morning each year. It typically includes a 45 minute lesson in small groups. Easter egg hunt on foot. Some stable management and a yard tour. We then finish the fun morning with a picnic lunch all together.

We have our Teddy camp each year. This is the highlight of the year for many of our young members. It is a 2 day camp. Members travel each day they do not stay overnight like our older members. Each day is very busy. Typically children have 2 mounted sessions and 2 unmounted sessions each day.

As well as our specific Teddies activities our Teddies are welcome at all our other activities. We have a vibrant group of children age 3-8 years.

Any questions please contact Lizz Broadbent 07954357619.