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Dressage is about showing the judge that you can get your pony to do what you want him to do, when you want him to do it. You and your pony have to follow a set of instructions laid out in the dressage test.

A judge marks the test. They give you a mark out of ten for how well you carry out each instruction. At the end of the test the marks are added up and the winner is the horse and rider with the highest score.

Rallies & Training

Dressage rallies and training are for everyone, and you don’t have to want to compete or be part of a dressage team to attend these rallies. We have some wonderful instructors, including Polly Thom and Brenda Smith who regularly teach our riders and really get to understand and develop our members and the relationships they have with their horses.

View and book upcoming rallies and training events via our calendar

Dressage teams

To compete in a team you need to attend 3 or more working and/or dressage rallies which can be booked via our calendar. Teams are such fun for the children and parents too, and it is great to watch the children encourage and support their fellow team mates.

Competition dates and schedules will be circulated around the branch throughout the year via e-mail, Facebook and posted on our website calendar. Please let the rally organiser or instructor know you are interested in being selected for a team or to ride as an individual in an Area competition.

Teams will then be chosen and if you have been selected you will be informed and asked to pay the entry fees accordingly. Team selections are not done at ordinary working rallies. It is important for members to attend as many dressage rallies as possible so the instructors can see combinations and their progress and also to gain experience and confidence when attending an event.