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South Hertfordshire holds a Summer Camp for members every year.

We have already started to make plans for 2025, so if you haven’t already declared your interest, then please contact us.

Mini Camp :  31st July and 01st August 2025

Are you 10 or under and want to experience what pony camp is like?
Then two days of Mini Camp fun could be for you! Everything you would expect from “main camp” just for smaller children. Children will arrive with their ponies at 10 am and stay until 4 pm.

what to expect?
– Two riding sessions per day
– Chance to complete some badges
– Unmounted games and quizzes
– Lunch provided . . . anyone for a pony pizza party?
– Hanging out with friends
– Awards ceremony

Please contact our DC Melanie Reid @ for more information on how to sign up.  Alternatively check out our Facebook and Instagram on the links at the top of the page to check out what we are up to.

Main Camp : 04th August – 08th August 2025

For many of our members this is the highlight of their year, five days of pony/horse filled heaven.

Members are allocated to Yard Groups

Each yard group is made up of members of various ages, each has a yard leader and deputy yard leader, the aim being that the older members will help and support the more junior members. Each day the yard group will be assessed and points awarded. These are then added up and at the end of the week rosettes are awarded for the best run yard.

As well as Ride Groups

Members are grouped together according to ability. They ride together twice a day, and will also undertake a ridden display together at the end of the week.

Then Finally, Sleeping Buddies

Each member is encouraged to find one or more sleeping buddies with whom they will share a tent, lorry, trailer etc. Each day the accommodation is assessed and points awarded for the most tidy etc. These are then added up and at the end of the week rosettes are awarded for the tidiest accommodation.

Morning Routine

In addition, each morning members undertake a tack and turnout inspection, and points are awarded. These are then added up and at the end of the week rosettes are awarded. The highest scoring member from each yard group go into a final on the Friday morning, it’s all hands on deck with each yard group vying for their representative to be the overall champion.

Friday is Showtime

On the Friday there is usually a show jumping event, parents are encouraged to come along. At the end of the display we then have the camp prize giving, where the members find out how well their yard has performed, as well as how well they scored for the tidiness of their sleeping accommodation.