Check out our Members Pack for information for all you need to know about South Norfolk Pony Club by clicking on this link: SNPC Members Pack
but if you want some information immediately we’ve included some essential information below:
- General Rallies are held all year round at variety of venues covering all disciplines and are open to everyone.
- Training sessions are also open to all but in the event of it being oversubscribed priority will be given to those working towards team events.
- Rallies are advertised on our Web and Facebook pages, times will be emailed to participants a day or two in advance of the rally or training.
- Rallies must be entered by closing date with payment, or you may incur a late entry fee.
- It is now possible to apply for rallies online via our Calendar page. Payment is taken through Horse Events who we use to host our rally and event entries.
- If you are unable to attend having applied, so long as you let us know before the closing date you will be refunded – but withdrawals should be made via Horse Events.
- There is further information on Calendar page of the website.
- Hats must be approved standard and have a PC tag on. If it has not then find the organizer who will be able to send you in the right direction to get tagged. Fixed peaks are not allowed for XC.
- Hair must be tidy. If long, hairnets should be worn or it needs to be tied up in bun fashion so that it is not trailing down.
- Plain coloured jodhpurs/breeches. Silks, gloves etc..
- Shirt and ties or tidy sweat shirt/polo shirts (SNPC have their own which you will find at HOODIES SHOULD NOT BE WORN.
- Jodhpur boots (with or without chaps) or Long boots should be worn and should be brown or black.
- For any cross country events, training or competition, BODY PROTECORS must be worn and LONG sleeved shirt/jumper.
- Tack should be clean, correctly fitting and suitable for purpose.
- Numnahs, girths, browbands and boots should be plain.
- Bucket, water and haynet.
- Sponge and sweat scraper.
- Appropriate rugs.
- Horse/Ponies should NEVER BE LEFT TIED UP unattended to the side of trailer/horsebox. There are some venues which do not allow you to tie up at all – please follow their rules.
- It is our aim to cater for everyone.
- Care is taken when sorting out rides so that we get you into the group where you will gain the greatest benefit. This means it is not done on age but by the ability of the rider/horse.
- If a horse or rider are disruptive or out of control in a ride then they may be asked to leave, in which case we ask them to do so quietly and go straight back to their transport and load up.
- Once your instructor has dismissed the ride you should take you horse/pony back to your transport, DO NOT continue to ride without permission from the organiser or your instructor.
- Parents are asked not to interfere/distract while their child is being taught. Any questions, queries, complaints should go through the DC, Chief Instructor or organiser of the rally.
- If non riding siblings are at venue please ensure that they behave in an appropriate manner and are not just left to run wild!
- If a parent were unable to be at a rally please would they ensure that the rally organiser knows whom the designated adult is with that child and that any emergency contact details are available.
- UNDER NO circumstances will the PC tolerate the mistreatment of animals.
- We are lucky to be able to use a variety of venues and we ask you to leave these in the same state as you arrived. Any droppings, hair or hay around your trailer/horsebox should be cleared up and any litter taken home with you.
- Please observe any instructions at venues such as parking, shutting of gates etc..
- Some Officials will have their own children taking part at a rally or competition so may not be able to help or answer questions at certain times. There is normally another official there who can help or you may have to wait for a while before your query is answered.