In the winter our members can do triathlons – running, swimming and shooting – and in the summer our members do tetrathlons which includes Cross Country riding as well as running, swimming and shooting. Competitions are judged according to age.
Dave Hallam coaches the shoot, using the facilities at Shelford. Children can access triathlon training at Bingham Leisure Centre. Cross country riding skills are developed with our eventing teams.
We train all levels of riders to showjump, from minis riding over raised poles to our very successful Open Team jumping at 110cm and above. Showjumping rallies are held either on a weekend morning or after school. Riders are put in a group with others of a similar age and ability and there are opportunities to compete informally at all levels.
Our team trainer is Kirsty Hardstaff, supported by a number of other instructors including Anneka Fisher and Cath Hake.
Our Mounted Games squads train most weeks during the spring and early summer. They compete at friendly competitions during the spring and then at Newark Show and the Pony Club Mounted Games competitions in May. Everyone is dreaming of a Horse of the Year Show qualification one day.
Nigel Moore and all the Hanson Moore family support South Notts Games
Eventing combines the three sports of dressage, showjumping and cross country riding. The Pony Club competitions are run during the summer months when we can ride on grass, and our training starts just before Easter. Competitions start from around 30cm and go up to 110cm, and you can qualify for Pony Club Championships at 70cm and above.
During the winter there are Arena Eventing competitions – a single round of Showjumps and Cross Country fences with a Championship in early Spring.
Our team trainer is Sam York, supported by Sam Hobbs and Cath Hake
Throughout the year we are preparing our members for the range of Pony Club tests, starting with E test for our tiny riders through to the internationally recognised A test. Each month we run a Proficiency Test rally where members are taught by an external instructor to see who is ready to take their next test. There is no rush to move up the levels, “stage not age” is our motto. We also do a myriad of badges that help our riders learn the theory for their tests. South Notts sends teams to the Quiz competitions and to the Horse and Pony Care competitions in the summer.
All our instructors teach this! But a special thanks to Jean Hopkinson, Pip Love and Anneka Fisher for their expertise.
Lead rein riders to Open train with South Notts to compete for the branch and to improve their riding. We run a musical ride each summer at the championships and we are the current champions. We encourage riders to have a go at Pairs to music and individual dressage to music. We offer the Dressage Sports Badges using an open learning programme assessed at rallies.
The dressage coaches are Emily Hedger, Jean Hopkinson and Alison Timmins
Have a look at our Toy Story ride.
The minis meet once or twice a month on a weekend morning. They have a go at everything – dressage, mini jumping, tetrathlon, mounted games with the occasional Easter Egg hunt. The Ice Cream club is for those just starting out off the lead rein, they do jumping at 30 – 50cm, walk and trot dressage and mini eventing.
All our instructors enjoy teaching these groups, but a special mention to Jean Hopkinson and Ella Yabbacombe.
We run camps each year in the summer holidays. This year the seniors will be residential at Vale View and the juniors will have a daytime camp at East Bridgford.
Camp is a great experience combining a wide range of riding activities, training, pony care and social activities. Members are split into age and ability appropriate groups under the supervision of a qualified instructor. A typical day is:
There is a competition on the final day. We encourage riders of all ages to attend all four days, we do welcome tiny riders and their programme will be tailored to their needs.
Camp is almost as much fun for the instructors, including Sarah Hallam, Kirsty Hardstaff, Anneka Fisher, Jean Hopkinson and Cath Hake.