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Each Branch covers a geographical area and is organised using the Purposes and the Rules of The Pony Club. Every Branch is led by a District Commissioner helped by a Committee of people assigned to specific roles to support the running of the Branch. Please note every member of the Branch Committee is a volunteer, dedicating spare time to support every Member.

Here you will find the contact details for Committee Members able to help with enquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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Louise Pears

District Commissioner
Louise has overall responsibility for the Branch, she attends Area meetings, chairs the regular branch committee meetings and produces the Annual review for members and parents.
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Ellen Seccombe

Ellen is out club secretary, responsible for doing the minutes, circulating documents and carrying out necessary admin.
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Verity Holdsworth

Verity is responsible for the clubs accounts and submits the annual financial return to head office
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Karen Burner

Chief Instructor
Karen arranges all riding activities, coordinates, selects and trains teams for the Area competitions, instructs at rallies, practices and camps and organizes all instructors. She also organizes pony club tests & training
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Vicki Rogers

Rally Secretary
Vicki arranges the Rally program she books venues, instructors and attendees
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Juliette Moore

Safeguarding Officer
Juliette is responsible for ensuring all our coaches, volunteers and committee members have been DBS and Safeguarding checked and are up to date inorder to be able to work with our members.
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Briony Goldsmith

Health and Safety Officer
Briony ensures all H and S guidelines and rules are covered, undertakes risk assessments and manages the trained 1st Aiders who are present at all Branch activities.
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Lisa Stephenson

Events Organiser
Lisa organizes camp, catering &social events
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Nigel Widdicombe

Tetrathlon Team Trainer
Nigel trains the club tetrathlon team and organises the teams.