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Hunting with Taunton Vale Foxhounds

If you would like to go hunting it is considered courteous to contact the relevant secretary beforehand. You should introduce yourself as a Taunton Vale Pony Club member and ask what the ‘cap’ is – this varies between £5 and £20 depending on the Hunt.


Always call one of the Secretaries before you plan to go hunting


Jenny Parsons: 07772 998982

Nicola Penny: 01823 413452

Do’s and Don’ts for those who are new to hunting and reminders for the rest….


– wear a tweed coat with pony club badge and a coloured stock or with a shirt and tie (black/navy coats with white stocks should only be worn if you are 16yrs or more but even then are optional)

– cream or light brown brown jodphurs

– jodphur boots (and chaps to give extra protection to legs if you like) – long boots are incorrect for those under 16 yrs)

– hat – skull cap with black silk

– body-protectors – not compulsory – just advisable, worn outside or inside the coat

– hairnets should be worn if the hair is longer than a ‘crop’

– no jewellery

– no bright colours for numnahs, leg bandages, etc.

– wear warm gloves


– take something to eat

– dress for the weather

– pay your Cap to the Secretary as soon as you arrive

– make yourself useful by jumping off to do gates for adults – they will remember you and be extremely grateful for this

– watch and listen to hounds

– when asked to ‘keep to the headland’ ride tight to the hedge to avoid damaging crops/seeds

– pass back ‘Gate Please’ – everyone should say it to be sure the message reaches the last person through

– always turn your pony’s head towards hounds; kicking a hound is an awful thing to do

– put a red ribbon on the tail of ponies that kick and keep them away from others, preferably at the back

– say ‘Goodnight’ and ‘Thank You’ to the master before you go home

– walk downhill when the ground is very wet to avoid un-necessary damage

– ride quietly near cattle and through stock yards

– stop if the Field Master says ‘Hold Hard’


– be late for the meet – if the meet is at 11 try and get there at 10.50

– block or obstruct roads when parking; remember tractors and other wide vehicles might need to pass during the day

– obstruct gates, private or field, or damage mown verges when parking

– ride ahead of the Field Master

– use your mobile phone within earshot of others

– chatter loudly

– panic if things go wrong – someone will always help

– ride too close behind other horses – it is inviting trouble

– leave the person closing a gate on their own – wait until they have remounted before riding on

– ignore someone riding in front of you with an arm behind their back – it means ‘give my horse some space, it might kick’

– queue jump at fences – wait your turn

– ride past a hound relieving itself on the road