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Welcome to our Pony Club Camp Page

For many of our members Pony Club camp is the highlight of the year, all of our members are encouraged to attend with the camp being subsidised from events run throughout the year.

The main camp is separated into 3 groups

Seniors – residential for members moving into year 7 in September of that year and older.  Wednesday 24th July to Saturday 27th July 2024

Juniors – non-residential for 11 and under. Monday 5th August to Thursday 8th August 2024

Minis – non-residential for under 7’s. Monday 5th August to Thursday 8th August 2024

We also run a separate Bootcamp – This is a residential camp for members aged 15 or older that are confident jumping at 90cm+.

Should members wish to remain at Junior or Senior Camp once they are past the suggested ages, this can be an option and this should be discussed with the District Commissioner or Camp Committee.

To qualify for camp each member needs to have attended 3 working rally’s on the pony they intend to bring and the pony’s passport needs to be in order for Camp, and their vaccinations up to date.

Stable door notice



Senior Camp.
Camp is residential for senior members, they sleep in horseboxes, caravans or tents and their ponies are stabled for the week, though grazing paddocks can be provided if necessary- please discuss with a member of the camp committee.
We have  camp mothers (normally members of the camp committee) in residence during camp, with assistance from fathers who stay in camp at night. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks & drinks are provided as is hay for the ponies!
Members are expected to tack up, groom, muck out and look after their own pony (although some assistance will be given where needed) and a full programme of events is planned, incorporating plenty of fun events alongside management sessions and riding. The highlights of the week are competition day and the musical ride. We also have a programme of fun activities for the evenings.
Parents help is essential for the effective running of camp and it is a requirement that each attendee has a volunteer to help with covering first aid for the rides or help at mealtimes.


Junior & Mini’s camp

Our Juniors come into camp daily. Their Ponies can either be transported each day or stay at Camp on grass or for an extra charge in a stable.
Camp is divided into rides of similar age & ability depending on numbers.  Instruction is given in show jumping, cross -country riding, dressage, stable management as well as all the fun of the musical ride

Mini Camp is for the youngest members of pony Club. The emphasis is on fun (for carers and children). The days are short and flexible. The children come everyday to camp with their ponies. Activities include riding instruction, stable management and musical rides.

Parents help is essential for the effective running of camp. Each attendee is expected to have a volunteer to accompany them for the day.
Children and their helpers are required to bring in a packed lunch each day but snacks and drinks are provided.


This is a separate residential camp for members aged 15 or older that are confident jumping at 90cm+.
It takes place at different locations and held over three days. Normally you can decide what type of lesson you would like and how often. Riding disciplines of dressage, show jumping and cross country training. Accredited BE instructors are employed, who are happy to accommodate all levels.
For further information about Bootcamp please contact Julia Davis