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Come and try these excellent sports which cover 2 / 3 / 4 different disciplines and open to ALL ages!! We encourage all to compete and enjoy team spirit with fellow members. We aim to have FUN!

Currently there is no swimming, so competitions as of April 2021 are biathlon and triathlon. Slight amendments to slip rails and gates, course heights so please check rules (this will change!). Some competitions are offering more jumping options for children due to lack of practise over the last year.

Below course height varies (at PC qualifying competitions the higher height is required).

Running, Swimming, Shooting and Riding. (A pony may go round a x-c course twice, making it logistically and mentally easier for families!)

Running, shooting and swimming.

Shooting and running



Beanies section is for the under eight of 1st Jan.
Throwing bean bags at a target which is 7m away.
Run – 500m
Ride – 40-50cm course in an arena.

Tadpoles section is for those who are under 10 on 1st Jan and is usually a mixed class of boys and girls.
Shooting is with two hands at a static target seven metres away. Five warm up shots and then 10 competition shots.
Run – 100m
Ride – 60cm, with the option to jump down 40- 50cm course.

Minis sections usually have a girls section and a boys section. You need to be under 12 on the 1st January of the year of entry.
Shooting – This usually takes place first–you have to shoot two handed at a turning target seven metres away, five warm up shots, then two competition target cards, five shots on each, 10 shots in total. The aim is to get as close to a score of 1000! You have a Team captain (over 18) or parent to load for you. Instructions are given at the beginning of a competition.
Swimming – you need to swim as many lengths as possible in two mins any stroke you want. Just do your best. (five lengths and you get 1000 points). Optional dive in or start in the pool.
Running – this is usually cross country and 1000m. If you do it under four mins you get another 1000 points. Runners are started individually, not as a group.
Riding – the cross country course should be up to 60cm and you start off with 1400 points – aiming to finish with them! If you refuse you get 60 points knocked off. During the course there is a slip rail to be negotiated within a minute and also a gate to open and go through, then shut while you’re still mounted – also all within a minute. If you have trouble doing any of this you are not eliminated but will have points deducted and can continue the course. (This can sometimes be replaced with Show Jumping depending on availability)

Junior you need to be under 15 on 1st January of the year of entry.
Shooting – This is the same as the minis but you have to shoot with one hand, seven metres away from the target, which turns in between each shot.
Running – Run 1500m cross country and try to do it within five mins, 40 secs
Swimming – Swim for three mins any stroke
Riding – 90cm or 80cm cross country course with a slip rail and gate to negotiate.

Open/Intermediate is not mixed and you need to under 25 years (please check schedules) on the 1st January of the year of entry.
Shooting – single handed, turning target from 10 metres
Swimming – Three mins (four mins for Open Boys)
Running – 1500m (girls), 2000m boys Girls.
Riding – XC course 1m or 90cm / Show jumping course but can vary.

Geriathlons OVER 25yrs!
Team event where by you can do a section of run, ride, shoot and / or swim. We encourage and invite you to join in a Vine team however fit, unfit you are. Highlighting that adults can be good at things, its fun, good to support parents as well as friends and for all to give things a go and enjoy!! (also room for very sporty and competitive parents in team please!)

The best three scores in the team count and overall the scores to aim for are:-
Riding – 1400 points
Swimming – 1000 points or more
Running – 1000 points or more
Shooting – 1000 points

Please feel free to contact Eventing coordinator for any questions.