News | 6 January 2025
Vine Winter Social & Prize Giving
We are looking forward to seeing you on Sunday 12th January 2025 @ 4 pm for our annual winter social and prize giving. Like last year, it will be held at the Fieldgate Centre in Kingsclere and we would encourage you to come as this is an important activity for our branch and a great chance for you to meet other Vine families.
Please sign up via Entry Master on the Vine website to confirm your place – no charge – but we do need to know if you are coming. Entrymaster – Event Entry (Pony Clubs)
We will be introducing the first VINE HOBBY HORSE CHAMPIONSHIP so if you have a hobby horse, please bring it along to participate in the team games for members of all ages. Some parents have also expressed an interest in participating so suitable clothing and footwear may be appropriate!!
As a matter of some urgency, if you received a trophy last year, please ensure it is engraved, cleaned and returned to the DC (ideally) or a committee member this week.
Also, we would be grateful if you could kindly bring a plate of food – more details via the WhatsApp groups, but something like sausage rolls, crisps and brownies always go down very well.
If you have any new hats that need to be tagged before you start on our riding activities or have passed your spurs test and need a yellow tag, do bring your hat along.