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Each Branch covers a geographical area and is organised using the Purposes and the Rules of The Pony Club. Every Branch is led by a District Commissioner helped by a Committee of people assigned to specific roles to support the running of the Branch. Please note every member of the Branch Committee is a volunteer, dedicating spare time to support every Member.

Here you will find the contact details for Committee Members able to help with enquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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Sarah Dance

District Commissioner
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Jo McCall

Assistant District Commissioner
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Tina Skipworth

Hon Treasurer, Online Payment & Instructor Liaison
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Emma Jonas

Secretary & Membership
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Sarah McGonnelll

Child Safeguarding Officer
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Rosalia Lee

Health & Safety Officer
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Jo McCall

Entries Secretary
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Communications &; Sponsorship
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Christin Owings / Melissa Tayabali

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Melissa Tayabali

Show Jumping
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Katie Wallis

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Aly Vance / Emily Reeve

Mini Activities
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Sally Shutler / Clem Paine

Junior Activities
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Abby Apiafi

Senior+ Camp Organiser