Rallies & Others

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Rallies and branch activities are organised throughout the year. They will give your child the chance to take part in lessons with other members and most children love attending rallies. They are a fabulous way to learn without the pressure of competition.

All rallies are published on the new booking system via Entry Master , more detail on ‘Rallies & Events’ page accessed by the tab to the left, extra rallies or changes to the timetable are sent out by email. If you’d like to book in to a rally please use the button below for entry and follow the instruction for your payment.

If there are restrictions in terms of age or ability for a rally, they will be stated on the details. Do speak to the rally organiser if you are not sure whether the rally will be suitable for your child.

Once you have booked, you will receive an email giving the start time for the group in which your child has been placed. If you have any queries, please do ask the rally organiser.

General Rallies and Confidence Rallies

These sessions are open to all Vine members and we group the children into sections according to age, ability and experience.

These lessons usually last for an hour and unless otherwise stated will include some flatwork and then some pole work or some jumping. These rallies are aimed towards our members who are not so interested in competing or anyone with a new pony who wants to start in a safe and more relaxed environment.

We aim to hold these rallies once every half term and once over the holidays. Our instructors are very experienced and many of the children will have met them at the camps, at mini rallies.

As the warm weather returns in the spring (we hope!) there will be longer sessions to include stable management (an extra 30 mins). This will encourage the children to focus on their next tests and badges.

All members of the Vine Pony Club who wish to attend any of the camps provided by the parent and committee members must have been to three rallies over the year (this includes dressage, XC and show jump rallies). So why not come along for some really fun instruction and if you want to make a group with your friends please let the rally organisers know and if there is something you’d really like to do.


We currently have a very active Pony Club, which is fantastic and hold rallies and activities all year round.  All activities are organised by the committee and volunteers.  It’s important that the booking procedure is followed so we can keep track of who is attending and payments.


Please use Entry Master for all booking & payment.


In the event that you need to withdraw from a rally a refund will be given ONLY in the following circumstances:-

  • Withdrawal more than 7 days prior to the rally – rally fee less £5 admin charge.
  • Withdrawal in the 7 days prior to the rally – a refund will be given on production of a vet or doctors certificate, or if there is a waitlist and the organiser can fill your spot. A £5 admin fee will apply.
  • Cancellation of a rally by the organiser – full refund.

Any bank charges incurred by the Vine Pony Club due to payment by members being refused by the bank, will be payable by the Member in question.


We have been requested to remind parents that as a matter of courtesy to your instructors and other members please can you follow the guidelines below:

1. Ensure your child is clean, tidy and nicely turned out with girls hair tied up or in a hairnet.

2. The tack and pony are clean and presentable

3. You ensure that NO MESS is left behind, this includes skipping up any mess made by your horse/pony

4. If you are the last ride of the day please offer, whenever possible, to help clear away if required. The Organiser can be left with having to clear away by themselves – MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK

5. Please appreciate that the Organisers put in a lot of time and effort to ensure the rallies are run safely and efficiently, thereby enabling members to have some fun at the same time as improving their riding. Please acknowledge their efforts with a Thank You… It makes all the difference!


The dress code for rallies is:

Hat with PINK hat tag (details see Hat Rule 2024)– if it is a skull cap please use a navy or black silk

Pale jodhpurs

White shirt or for minis, a red long sleeved Vine T-shirts

Pony Club tie

Vine sweatshirt/jacket


Riding boots/jodhpur boots

Long hair in hairnet

No jewellery

Body protector (optional but compulsory for cross country)

The BETA 2009 Body Protector Standard will no longer be permitted. (detail see Body Protector Rule 2024)

More information can be found in Resources Hub below.

NB: if you are a new member and have not yet got your Vine sweatshirt or jacket, please still come to a rally and just wear a dark coloured top.

Cross country colours (at cross country rallies you can wear these instead of shirt/tie/sweatshirt)

Vine clothing can now be ordered online.