News | 6 June 2024

Tetrathlon Success For The Kings

Constance and Edward King represented Southern England in last weekends Junior International Tetrathlon competition held at Moreton Morrell, with almost 200 athletes from all over the Uk and Ireland. Constance was also selected to represent England. Both shot and swam well on the first day, but having walked the challenging cross-country course, no one was in any doubt that the riding phase was going to be very significant! Just over 10% of the athletes managed to get a full 1400 points for the ride phase, and both Constance and Edward were in that successful group! Both the ride and run phase were in hot conditions on the Sunday, to add an additional challenge. Southern England Teams were kindly managed by Richard Mosley and Sandy Gillman (South and West Wilts PC) helped with invaluable course walks.

We were very grateful for all the volunteers who gave up their time to allow the competition to run and all the organisers for their months of planning.

Constance won the girls competition and Edward (in his first year in Juniors) came an impressive 9th in the boys competition!  Finally, the England girls team won, which was very well celebrated!