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Each Branch covers a geographical area and is organised using the Purposes and the Rules of The Pony Club. Every Branch is led by a District Commissioner helped by a Committee of people assigned to specific roles to support the running of the Branch. Please note every member of the Branch Committee is a volunteer, dedicating spare time to support every Member.

If you have concerns or complaints please address them to any of the committee, or specifically the Safefuarding Officer or Health and Safety Officer

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Jo Morris

District Commissioner
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Claire Hawkins

Assistant District Commissioner
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Kate Morris

Hon Secretary
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Rosie Thornton

Hon Sectretary

Committee Members Julie O’Hara Gemma Taylor-Thorne Julia Weert Tracy Butcher

Website Co-ordinators  Claire Hawkins/Rosie Thornton

Safeguarding Officer Vacancy

Health & Safety Officer Gemma Cutler
T: 07789 713891