Rallies & Member Activities

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Booking venues and securing instructors can be expensive and takes time. As a result, refunds/credits will only be given in the following circumstances:

– Member cancels giving at least 3 weeks notice.  However, we will not look favourably on members who book rallies in advance and then repeatedly cancel due to changing their mind.
– Member is able to provide a vet or doctor’s certificate confirming equine/member is not fit to attend. Obviously, an arm in plaster does not require a doctor’s certificate or similar.

– If a rally is cancelled by WHPC due to weather conditions, illness, loss of venue or unforeseen circumstances, then a full refund or credit will be given


If you wish to cancel attendance, please e-mail Please forward any queries regarding rallies to wh.ponyclub@gmail.com.

Popular rallies do often have a waiting list so please let us know if you are unable to attend so that we can offer the space to someone else.   Please DO NOT offer your place to another member.  We appreciate that this is a nice thing to do especially if a popular rally is over subscribed.  However, we may have a waiting list and by offering your child’s place to someone else, you may have inadvertently allowed them to jump the queue.  All rally places will be allocated on a first come basis.  Thank you.


– Please drive into the venue slowly and park considerately.

– Do not take up too much space as we often do not have enough room.

– At the Fortune Centre make sure vehicles are parked forward with the bonnet facing the indoor school.  Before unloading, please report your arrival on foot to a Rally Organiser.
– No smoking.
– No dogs at Fortune Centre or Bridge Farm. Dogs on leads at Parley and Hurn Bridge.
– Children and equines are to be supervised at all times. Please do not leave EITHER/BOTH unattended.
– No running or shouting.
– Be respectful of others and their property.
– Hats and gloves must be worn whilst unloading/leading equines at the Fortune Centre.
– Please ensure footwear and clothing complies with Health & Safety requirements ie, no open toe shoes.
– Ensure all droppings are removed and taken home. If you notice someone has left behind a dropping, please be kind enough to pick it up and dispose of it.
– Keep hay nets inside your lorry/trailer to minimise mess.
– If you are in the first or last group, please help the instructor and rally team to set up or take down jumps etc.


Rallies must be attended in the correct WHPC dress code colours:
White shirt, PC tie or WHPC sweatshirt or black polo shirt.

– Jodhpurs preferably beige, black or navy but PLEASE no pinks, purples etc.
– Clean black or brown riding or jodhpur boots with or without dark chaps (no tassels). Safe, thin and uncleated soles.
– In bad weather, dark coloured coats can be worn but NO hoods can be exposed. West Hants coats are available on the online shop.
– Strictly no hoodies for riding.
– We recommend wearing dark coloured gloves.
– Long hair should be neatly tied back in a hair net or plaited
– For safety purposes, no jewellery must be worn.
– Please speak to your rally instructor if you wish to wear spurs.  Please check the PC web site for the type of spurs allowed.
– Both hats and body protectors must comply with the current regulations and PC rule book. They should be fitted professionally and checked regularly.
– Hats must be tagged to ensure they comply with current rules. Tagging indicates that a hat meets the accepted standards. NO check of the fit and condition of the hat is implied. It is considered the responsibility of the Member’s parents/guardians to ensure the hat complies to the required standard and fit.
– Body protectors are compulsory for all cross country and pony racing riding.
– If a rider chooses to wear an air jacket in cross country or pony racing, it must only be used in addition to a normal body protector.


Please visit the FAQs for the latest advice and guidance on hats and body protectors


– All tack should be clean, well maintained and fitted correctly. Stitching should be checked regularly especially on reins.
– Please ensure the saddle fits correctly. This should be checked regularly by a qualified saddle fitter.
– All numnahs and saddle cloths must be clean and dark in colour. Branch saddle cloths are available on the web shop
– All stirrups must fit correctly. It is recommended that you allow 14 mm clearance either side of your child’s boot. – – Traditional safety stirrups are suitable for all PC activities.
– Martingales and breastplates may be used and should be fitted correctly.


– Please ensure your equine is clean (allowance made for grass kept) and well groomed.
– Mane and tail should be clean and tidy,
– Feet should be well shod/trimmed and clean under hoof.


Compiling the rally groups has to be the most difficult part of being a rally organiser and sometimes it may not be obvious why members have been put together.

There are many factors which we have to take into consideration including age, ability (equine and member), travelling arrangements, siblings, friendships, late comers, mix and quantity of entries, discipline of rally, cancelled places – the list is endless!

Rest assured we are trying our best to ensure every member is happy. We may not always get it right due to circumstances beyond our control but we will ensure this is put right next time. Feedback, both good and bad, is always welcome.


If you have agreed for someone else to take your child to a rally or someone else is responsible for your child during a rally, you must ensure they are properly looked after. Parents/Guardians are solely responsible for their child’s safety and wellbeing at ALL times, whether they are present or not.

If someone else is looking after your child, this is a private agreement between you and the other parent/party and does not involve a Pony Club official. You must, however, inform the Instructor of any care agreement and we would suggest the child wears a medical armband in this situation.

Occasionally, parents are asked to leave their children in the care of a Pony Club official. In these circumstances, a medical care consent form needs to be completed before the child is left. The form will ask for an emergency contact number, allergy information and any other information deemed useful. Please do not leave your child before completing the form.  

Please forward any queries regarding rallies to wh.ponyclub@gmail.com