Tetrathlon and Triathlon

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Tetrathlon and Triathlon

Tetrathlon (numerical prefix “tetra” – meaning four) is a team and individual competition organised by the Pony Club for its members.

It comprises Shooting, Swimming, Running and Riding.

Triathlon is a Winter Competition without the riding phase.

It is a variant of, and major recruiting ground for the Olympic sport Modern Pentathlon.

For more information go to the Tetrathlon page of the main website

Training dates

Shooting training at RDA Wilton

Wed 3rd April from 5pm

Thurs 11th April from 5pm

Times will be on the Tet What’s Ap.  Contact Tom to be added to Whatap group

Please remember to bring £2 cash per practice and let Tom Campbell-Hill  (Tetrathlon Manager)  know by email at least 24 hrs in advance, if you are coming and your preferred time.

Tetrathlon Manager

Tom Campbell-Hill     mobile: 07792 394065