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Pony Club Quiz and Mini Quiz 2024

The Pony Club Quiz is a great way for all members, of all ages to learn and test their equestrian knowledge in a fun and friendly team environment. At the start of the year we hold a Quiz information evening for members to register their interest, chat about the quiz format and quiz rounds.

There are two team sections:

Mini teams – Ages to be 10 years and under on the 1st Jan of the competition year, with one member to be 8 years and under.

Junior/Senior Teams – must have two members (ages to 13 years and under) and then two of any age up to 25. All ages will be taken from the 1st January of the Competition year (1/1/23)

Mini questions are to be based on E,D and easier parts of D+ tests and Mini Badges.

Junior/Senior Section questions to be based on C, C+ and B tests and Achievement badges

The winning teams from each Area, qualify for the National Pony Club Quiz 2024 in April.