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Pony Club Polo

Polo is like hockey on horseback! You have to hit the ball into the goal with your polo stick.

Each game is played between two teams with four players on each side. The game is divided into short, six minutes parts known as Chukkas. The more experienced you are, the more chukkas there are in a game.

Pony Club Polo is split into different sections:

  • Jorrocks (6 – under 11)
  • Handley Cross (9 – under 14)
  • Surtees (9 – under 15)
  • Loriner/Rendell (14 – under 21)
  • Langford (under 21) min handicap -2
  • Gannon (under 21) min handicap -1

The Pony Club polo committee is keen to encourage more  young riders to try polo and get more branches playing polo. Its a fantastic team sport that is enjoyed by a wide range of children from 6-21 years of age and can be played at all ages with one pony. Pony Club members are welcome to join their neighbouring branches for polo, if it is not offered by their own branch. To find out more please click on the link below:

There is a grant available to help branches start offering polo: