If you are a child and need support or help please contact Childline: https://www.childline.org.uk or call 0800 1111
The Pony Club believes that it is essential that children and young people are encouraged to take part in outdoor activities and sports as part of their development to adulthood. Their participation in sport must be in a secure, safe and fun environment and be protected from harm. The positive effects of involvement with horses can help develop self-esteem, teamwork and leadership. This can only take place if equestrian sport is effectively regulated and managed by well trained staff and volunteers.
If a young person is in immediate danger, call the police or social services.
NSPCC Helpline: 0800 800 5000
Otherwise, your first point of contact for safeguarding concerns should be the Safeguarding Officer at your Branch or Centre.
Area Safeguarding Rep: Abby Bernard: 07775712512 mailto:area11@pcuk.org
Contact details for the Central Safeguarding Team are listed below.
Lead Safeguarding Officer, Christine Gould: 07833 523626/ safeguarding@pcuk.org
Development Officer (Safeguarding): Beverley Laurie: beverley.laurie@pcuk.org
The Pony Club and the BHS are now offering Face-to-Face Online Safeguarding Courses. Please use the link below to book onto the Pony Club Online courses.
Please see Coaches CPD Page for online courses
The Pony Club is committed to ensuring that, wherever possible, members are able to access all aspects of the Branch and Centre activities we offer. Reasonable Adjustments are any actions that help to reduce the effect of a disability or difficulty. They are needed because some disabilities can make it harder for members to take part in activities than it would have been had the member not been disabled. A Member does not necessarily have to be disabled (as defined by the Equality Act 2010) to be allowed an access arrangement. Reasonable adjustments are intended to increase access to Tests and other activities and are intended to assist Members in demonstrating their attainment without affecting or circumventing the Test requirements. All Reasonable Adjustment Plans will be treated confidentially and only shared with permission from the member and their parent (if under 18yrs old).
Reasonable Adjustments can be used for the Pony Club Tests and should be approved in advance of the Test taking place. Reasonable adjustments are changes made to an assessment or to the way an assessment is conducted that reduce or remove a disadvantage caused by a student’s disability. Reasonable Adjustments will not affect the reliability or validity of the Test outcome nor should they give the Member an assessment advantage over other Members undertaking the same or similar Tests. Where possible the reasonable adjustment should reflect a Member’s normal way of working. The Reasonable Adjustment is intended to give all Pony Club Members a level playing field in which to demonstrate their skills, knowledge and understanding.
Reasonable Adjustments can also be used to allow for members to take part in activities or competitions. As with Tests these adjustments should be approved in advance of the activity or competition.
Some Pony Club members may already have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which can be used to help plan Reasonable Adjustments. However, the Pony Club will strive to ensure inclusivity for any of its members who need additional support whether or not they have an official statement.
For more information about this contact Abby Bernard: mailto:area11@pcuk.org
Information and forms on the PCUK website: https://pcuk.org/officials/equality-diversity/reasonable-adjustment/
The Pony Club defines two levels of first aider – Trained and Qualified. As a minimum requirement there must be a Trained First Aider at events.
(i) Trained First Aider
A person who holds either:
Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) qualification gained at a one-day course run by RQF registered trainers (Regulated Qualifications Framework, all qualifications regulated by Ofqual (in England) are on this framework and SQCF in Scotland) or one of the voluntary aid organisations (St John’s, Red Cross or St Andrew’s). Requalification is required after three years.
BHS Initial First Aid qualification gained at a two-day course. Requalification is required after two years.
Note: We recommend the training of all first aiders includes an element of paediatric support and injury training.
(ii) Qualified First Aider
A person who holds:
First Aid at Work (FAW) qualification gained at a three-day course run by RQF registered. Requalification is required after three years.
Note: All first aiders must hold an up to date disclosure check (DBS, PVG or Access NI) as this is considered regulated activity/work.
Branches can organise their own First Aid Courses.
First Aid Trainers in Area 11:
Hudson Training: Lee Hudson BHSII, SC, SE (Regd.) HSE Approved 1st Aid Training: hudsontraining@yahoo.co.uk
Livesafe: Sam Hinton: 07734 671 181/sam@livesafesurrey.co.uk