AREA 12 Tetrathlon

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30th MarchWinter Triathlon ChampionshipsGranthamInfo
5th AprilArea 12 XC Training with Caroline Hawkins – all levelsMKECBookings
13th AprilSeniors Training CampBath UniversityApplications have closed
15th & 16th AprilCentral England Ride Training – 70cm plusBoomerang Stables, Chilton Foliat, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 0TLApplications closed
17th AprilArea 12 Training Day with Nick GauntlettStowe SchoolEntries
17th-18th MayRoyal Windsor Horse Show TetrathlonWindsorCentral England Selection Criteria
17th-18th MayWhaddon Chase TetrathlonMKEC and Tiddenfoot Leisure CentreXC phase will be Saturday at MKEC and triathlon phases at Tiddenfoot leisure centre on Sunday
31st May-1st JuneJunior Regionals Moreton Morrell
7th-8th June Area 12 Tet (all levels)Flamstead/TringRide Saturday
Tri Sunday
28th-29th JuneMini RegionalsOxstalls
15th-16th JuneIPC Mini ChampsDublin
19th-20th JulyArea 8 TetHorseheath
1st-3rd AugustSenior RegionalsRenfrewshire, Scotland
8th-10th AugustJCB Pony Club Tetrathlon ChampionshipsOffchurch Bury
16th-17th AugustIPC Junior and Senior Tetrathlon ChampionshipsPunchestown, Ireland
5th OctoberHH Dry TriWakes End
7th DecemberArea 12 Winter Tri QualifierTring

Tetrathlon is a great all-round Pony Club discipline which requires accuracy, stamina and horsemanship. You can compete as part of a team or an individual starting from as young as 5 or 6 years old (the only minimum requirement is to be able to swim 25m safely) and parents can even take part in some competitions!

There are 4 phases to the sport; shooting (under 8’s throw bean bags), swimming, riding and running. The scores of a competitor in each of the four phases are added together to give an overall score. This means that each phase has an equal influence on the final result, although the riding scores are weighted to make this the most important element – this is the Pony club after all!  Most competitions have a triathlon option, which is very popular with those not wanting or able to do the Ride phase.

The following will give you and idea of what’s involved for each age group. Each phase is run separately so you have plenty of time to get your breath back between events!

Age on 1stJan/Date of Competition SHOOT SWIM RIDE (approx)NB You can also compete as a Triathlete and opt out of the Ride phase. You can also opt to Ride Down. RUN
Under 8 Bean Bag 1 Min 45cms (arena and can be led) 500m
TADPOLE 8 and 9 years 7m static 2 handed 2 Mins MAX 60cms 1000m
MINI 10 and 11 years 7m static 2 handed 2 Mins MAX 80cms 1000m
JUNIOR 12-14 years 7m turning 1 handed 3 Mins MAX 90cms 1500m
INT 25 & under 10m turning 1 handed 3 Mins MAX 1m 1500m
OPEN 25 & under 10m turning 1 handed F 3 minsM 4 mins 1m + (more challenging) F 1500mM 3000m

So, if you are sporty and enjoy cross country riding this discipline will appeal to you.  There is always great team spirit and a friendly atmosphere at competitions which makes this fun whatever level you compete at.

Please do not be put off by the ride heights, at local competitions there is always the option to ‘ride down a level’ or lots of L fences, which make the course smaller and more accessible.


There are usually 3 or 4 Tetrathlon competitions in the local area, plus Area Tetrathlon, usually in July, which is the Qualifier for the National Tetrathlon Championships in August for Juniors and above. For Minis, there is a Stepping Stones Championships which is held alongside the main champs. Individuals for this are selected from Central England branches and we are invited to nominate each year.  At the highest level are the Junior Regionals, Royal Windsor Horse Show and Senior Regionals/Internationals, also via nomination.


We run an Annual Training Day for everyone in the Area, otherwise Training is run by each Branch. Please contact your Tet Manager/DC for info on this.

For all queries, you can contact me via email:

See you soon!