Centre Membership is for those without their own pony who ride at riding schools, to become Members and take part in all that The Pony Club has to offer. There are currently around 480 Pony Club Centres spread across the UK. Activities at the Centre are run by the Proprietor and their Coaches.
New Pony Club Centre Membership is open to anyone under 25 years of age who does not own a pony. Members pay an annual subscription and receive instruction at a Pony Club linked Centre, this subscription constitutes Membership of the Club and includes third party insurance.
Area 14 Approved Centres are listed below, the link will take you to their website.
For further information, please contact Area 14 Centre Co-Ordinator – Felicity Davis, email area14.centres@pcuk.org mobile: 07780686959
Membership of The Pony Club is open to anyone under the age of 25 and Centre Membership is for anyone who doesn’t have access to a horse or pony. Centre members can take part in Pony Club activities at a Pony Club Linked Riding Centre. Centre Plus Membership is for members who attend a Pony Club Linked Centre but who also have access to a pony that they own, lease or borrow.
All members have access to The Pony Club’s Training Pathway where you gain Badges, Tests and Awards. Achievement Badges – start with Mini Badges and work up to the main Achievement Badges. There are over 100 badges to choose from!
The Pony Club Tests – these Tests are standardised across the UK and internationally recognised so when you pass your D Test and meet someone else with a yellow felt under their Pony Club badge you know they hold their D Test too! Test Syllabuses | The Pony Club
There are Progressive Awards that you train for and achieve between the Tests so you and your coach know you are ready to take the next Test.
Being a member of The Pony Club gives you the opportunity to try 9 different Equestrian Sports including Dressage, Endurance, Eventing, Mounted Games, Polo, Polocrosse, Pony Racing, Show Jumping and Tetrathlon. Many of the athletes who represent GB at the Olympics in Dressage, Eventing, Pentathlon and Show Jumping started riding in The Pony Club. https://pcuk.org/sport-badges/
There are competitions too when you compete with other members of your Centre. One of these is a competition especially for Centre and Centre Plus members called the Centre Equitation. There is also a Musical Ride competition.
Not all the competitions involve Riding – there is a Quiz and a Horse & Pony Care competition sponsored by Blue Cross called the Blue Cross Care Competition.
You will have access to lots of online resources when you are at home to enjoy and to prepare you for your next visit to your Pony Club Linked Centre.