News | 19 January 2025

2024 Presentation Evening

Annual awards 2024/25


Chappell Cup
This is awarded for this members performance and commitment throughout the year in dressage. She has attended our flat work sessions regularly and her hard work paid off when came 6th as a team at area qualifying for the Regional Championships.
Bethany Scatcliffe


Most Improved Dressage Rider Trophy
This award is given to a rider who stands out as most improved in dressage. This rider has made massive progress in dressage this year really getting a clearer understanding of dressage. She attended area doing really well in her very competitive group winning in her arena and qualifying for the Regional Championship although sadly she could not attend.
Hannah Moreton



Cheryl Lumb Cup
This is awarded for points gained for eventing competitions
This rider has shown a great performance at 90cm in arena eventing culminating when she qualified at Area coming 5th and represented the club at championships coming 14th. She did an exceptional performance on a borrowed horse making this am impressive achievement.
This is awarded to Molly Wylde


Horse and Pony Care

Junior Horse and Pony Care Trophy
This member had massive enthusiasm and commitment during training.
Elly Longman


Senior Horse and Pony Care Trophy
This member worked really hard during training and showed an exceptional performance and commitment at area.
Sophie Bailey


Mounted Games

Whispers Cup for Junior mounted games
This rider really stepped up to the plate this year riding with the senior team despite still being a junior. He has shown tremendous skills and really is a natural games rider, He’s accurate brave and athletic and we hope he rides with the seniors for many years to come.
The junior games trophy goes to Miles Siddans


Jack Hall trophy for senior games
This member has been a dedicated member of both the junior and senior games team for many years. He has been a very accurate and highly skilled games rider. We are sad that he can’t complete his last year with the games team, but he has had to balance his time between games, polocrosse and other sports and he does this admirably but has decided to focus on polocrosse this year.
The senior games trophy goes to Ollie Winter



Junior Quiz Cup
This member has shown never ending cheerfulness and contribution during training and has been an enthusiastic member of the team.
Pippa Lindon rose


Senior Quiz Cup
This member has shown massive and hard work dedication to the quiz team again this year and is a well-deserved winner.
Sophie Bailey


Junior Rally Cup
This is awarded for regular attendance, very good turnout and an excellent attitude and effort during working rallies. All the rallies she has attended she has been beautifully turned out and had a fantastic attitude and enthusiasm to all her learning
Evie Chambers


Senior rally Peters cup
This is awarded for regular attendance, enthusiasm, effort and good turnout during all working rallies. This has been extra hard as she rides a horse with quite a bit of character but she always arrives well turned out and determined and positive to improve.
Beth Cussons


Show Jumping
Mini Show jump Trophy
This member has shown excellent enthusiasm and improvement. She has gone from lead rein to riding independently and has taken part in competitions successfully
Emily Rose Robinson


Junior Showjumping Cup
This member has shown excellent attendance, enthusiasm, improvement and great team spirit at all times. They have successfully taken part in team competitions throughout the year showing huge improvement, determination and turning in some good results and qualified and competed at Regional Championships
Jessica Hackett


Henry Waby Senior Show jumping Cup
This member jumped a double clear at 70cm to come 3rd individually and qualified for regional Championships
Oceane Marshall


Open Jumping Cup
This member produced a fantastic performance at area show jumping producing a double clear around a challenging course and coming 3rd individually in the 100cm and also 3rd as a mixed team in the 90cm. She has represented the branch at many competitions including Chatsworth in previous years
Molly Jabowska Cooper


Polocrosse Trophy
One of our members has been training with the east midlands polocrosse team and was so successful he went for a second time to the national championships with a mixed team where he represented the Branch superbly.
Well done Ollie Winter


General Awards
Mini achiever
This is awarded to a member who has shown huge determination, resilience and excellent riding. She has a true Thelwall character of a pony who loves to roll, stop and zoom off but she always comes back smiling and is determined to improve.
Evie Chambers


Best Member volunteer – Hamilton Cup
Before we announce the recipient of this award – its fantastic that our members are happy to help at our events. Special mention needs to go to Emily Rose – who worked tirelessly all day with endless enthusiasm as the top pole picker at the Showjumping competition in November. So we wanted to give you this special rosette to recognise your efforts
The recipient of the trophy though is awarded to a member who has helped at many of our fundraising events such as Hunter trials, dressage and showjumping competitions. She was a big contributor to the musical ride working on the whole show, music and choreography and helped with Quiz team training.
Georgia Stanton


Most improved member in riding
This is awarded to a member who moved from quite a tricky pony with a determined streak who has then made such huge improvements on her new horse starting very carefully at the beginning of the year but has been determined to improve and has finished the year performing so confidently in all disciplines. She won her class at area dressage, competed at Area Horse trials and they are looking such a superb combination for this year
Hannah Moreton


The Hammond trophy for Special Effort
This member has impressed us with her attendance, volunteering and enthusiasm to achieve her Bronze YELA award.
She has spent hours supporting the games team training, helping at the dressage league as well as our two competitions
Sophie Bailey


Charles Ottewell trophy for outstanding achievement
This year we decided to award this as a team award and an individual award.
The team is awarded as they worked together and kept positive and determined. Despite having two members new to quiz they came 3rd at area and came a very creditable 10th out of 39 at Championships.
But we felt for outstanding achievement we could not ignore the impressive performance of one of our members Grace Morton who qualified and won at The London International in the 12hh cradle stakes WHP
Mini quiz of Evie Chambers, Georgia Townsend, Elly Longman, Pippa Lindon Rose
Grace Morton


Best team award
This was again a tough award to decide on this year as we had so many teams who did so well including the Dressage team and the games team but we decided this group really do have an excellent team ethos and attitude. Loaning others ponies, helping with transport, supporting each other, planning outfits, painting humans and horses. The zebra had stripes for weeks after. They came a fantastic 5th place against some very tough competition
Musical Ride


The Jane Bailey Endeavour Award
This is awarded to a parent or parents or in this case Grand parent who has helped us in so many different ways and is always willing to give many hours of support, This particular person spent many hours helping score, call and write at our dressage league competitions, sat for many an hour cross country judging or helping at rallies or in the secretaries at our events.
Thank You Sheila Rose


Strathmann Evans Trophy
Outstanding contribution from a committee member. Who has gone above and beyond the role for many years. In this time, she has been part of rally committee meeting, Camp Mum at lots of Summer camps.  She doesn’t have a child in the club anymore but still does hours of work sorting our finances as the treasurer, advising on costings, chasing invoices, being a secretary at shows, helping at Area Quiz and other fund raising events.
Claire Webb


Spridlington Riding Cup
This is awarded to a member who have shown outstanding contribution over the years.  This member has represented at the club at area, zone and championship as part of the games team. She has also been part of the area and Championship dressage, show jumping and eventing teams or has qualified individually. She came 2nd overall at Regional championship in dressage and was part of the National team in dressage and show jumping when they got in the top 5.  She is also the only member to do a dressage to music test at championships turning in a fantastic performance. She has attended many events.
Lilly Croft


Finally we would like to recognise a member who is coming to the end of her time in Pony Club as PC won’t let you renew membership past the age of 25!. She has been a member for many years – participating in all disciplines including mounted games, showjumping, polocrosse to name a few. In recent years she has helped with coaching in mounted games and rallies. Sure she will remain a friend of the branch for many years to come.
Laura Finnegan.