Parent Information

Parents play a vital role in their child’s Pony Club journey – from supporting and guiding their progress, to volunteering at local events, rallies or joining the committee. For more information on getting involved please speak to any committee member or contact us through the website.

The following guidelines should be followed by parents/guardians:

  1. Be a positive role model for your child and other members
  2. Respect coaches, officials, volunteers, members and other parents
  3. Remember that the main aim of The Pony Club is to teach fairness over competitiveness
  4. Teach members to show sportsmanship, teamwork and supportiveness
  5. Use appropriate conduct at all times, including on social media channels
  6. Promote the wellbeing of members and their ponies ahead of winning


PCUK Safeguarding Policy 2022

PCUK Code of conduct for parents 2022

PCUK Branch Membership Form 2020 V2_06-38

PCUK Area 6 Eligibility 2023

PCUK Accident Report Form 2022

BHPC Turnout Guide 2023-02-07

BHPC Substitute Trainer Policy V2 02.09.21.doc


BHPC Championship Fees Policy V5 29.01.24 (2)

BHPC Branch Subsidy Policy V4 24.01.24 (2)

BHPC Branch Refund Policy V3 06.10.21