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🦷 Equine Dentistry 🦷

Our equine dentist James Noble (assisted by Vicky) kindly gave our members a demonstration.

💀 we had a look at some horse skulls

🦷we had various ages and sizes of teeth to look at

👅 we looked in a ponies mouth

🪣 we had a look through & explanation of the bucket of tools

⚒️ we saw the tools in action and saw the pony getting some work done

🍬 we then tried to get a sweet from our hands using only our upper lips

🖊️ we then had a question sheet to complete

📝 with the help of some Pony Creative posters / worksheets

🟣 then best of all we all gained our Ponies Teeth / Equine Dentistry badges ….. and some teeth & lips sweets !!!!!

⭐️ Well done to all members that took part, it was commented on several times how well you all did!!

👏 thanks again to James, Vicky & our pony model Poppy