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Volunteering at East Down Pony Club
From time to time EDPC will look for volunteers to help our committee and support your branch. Without volunteers, we cannot run Pony Club and you are the backbone of the organization.

Parents and Guardians – Adults
As a parent or guardian within East Down, we would like to see you offering to help at least 3 times annually at fundraising or other events. Typically this will involve fence judging, catering or XC preparation, volunteering at pc camp, or offering other assistance. It is definitely better to offer than be asked! If you are volunteering for camp in particular we may ask you to get Police Disclosure checks done & we welcome anyone who has their First Aid at Work qualifications too.

Members Under 17 on 1st Jan of each year 
At Pony club we support the YELA (Young Equestrian Leaders Award) and we are able to sign off your volunteering hours in your books. For extra effort, we are also happy to pay a small fee – this must be agreed upon with a member of the Committee and agreed by DC or ADC – this is done in exceptional circumstances only.

Members 17 and Over
Members aged 17 and over should consider gaining their STEPS qualifications.
Once you have gained your Steps Qualification and/or your full B TEST and Lunging Test you can potentially be booked by rally organizers as an assistant coach. You will be paid an agreed rate reflecting your level of experience. You should have all your Disclosure, Safeguarding, First Aid, and any other relevant qualifications and you should be registered on the PELHAM database in order to be considered for this.
Please note that in order to gain your volunteering hours for STEPS you should have them signed off by a B test level approved PC assessor.

If you have any questions about the YELA or STEPS programmes – or about volunteering in general, please speak to a member of the committee.