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Area Competitions 2025

Provisional dates and organisers for 2025 Area Competitions


Pony Club Quiz Area 

9th March 2025

Horse & Pony Care 

6th April 2025


24th May 2025

22nd June 2025

19th & 20th July 2025

28th June 2025
Show Jumping 

7th July 2025

Home Championships 

25th August 2025

Spring Festival Final 
Area 17
Castle Irvine
26th – 27th April 2025


Please check that you are a current member of the PC & that your ponies’ injections comply with PCUK rules.

Note that EDPC has a published team and individual selection policy.


EDPC Area Selection Policy

Members should express an interest in competing at the Area Champs and indicate the level they wish to compete at.
The DC’s in consultation with instructors will ensure that they are competent and safe to compete at their chosen level.
Members are expected to attend rallies and PC events regularly and show commitment to the Branch in order to be considered for teams.
There may be occasions where a member is asked to compete at a higher or lower level to make up and strengthen a team.

Eventing Criteria

  1. Riders who can commit to traveling to the Championships.
  2. XC performance at the selected level in the current season from any affiliated, non-affiliated or 2 phase event.
  3. Lowest eventing score in the current season.

Show Jumping and Dressage Criteria

  1. Riders who can commit to traveling to the Championships
  2. Performance at the selected level in the current season
  3. Performance at EDPC Club Show Jumping or Dressage selection event

Regional Qualifiers and Home Champs

The first 3 places on a team are selected on the above criteria.
The 4th place is reserved for a member who is deemed by the DC as competent to compete at the chosen level who has attended PC regularly  (rallies and training events run by PC).

Other Disciplines such as Tetrathlon, Games, etc please contact the Lead Organisers as 2023 selection criteria will depend on numbers and ages available this year.

The DC and ADC’s in consultation with instructors are responsible for team selection. All queries regarding team selection should be addressed to Maggie, please.

Funding for Championships

This year, 2025, we have voted to fund travel and competitions as follows:

UKPC Championships, Windsor Horse Show, Regional Championships and Spring Festival Finals – Scotland
Funding is available for EDPC Members who qualify for Pony Club Championships on the UK mainland.
The idea behind funding for UK Championships is the recognition that travel by ferry to the UK mainland involves extra expense which can be off-putting to members. The funding is intended to assist all members regardless of background, ability, or financial capacity.

UK Travel 

  • 2 competition entries paid for by EDPC per competitor
  • 2 nights stabling
  • Trainer paid for by EDPC
  • £50 travel bursary per competitor (If horses have travelled across the water).

Irish Pony Club Championships (all disciplines)
Limited funding is also available to members who qualify for the Irish Pony Club Championships or RDS Combined training

The idea behind funding for Irish Championships is the recognition that in qualifying for these prestigious events our members are representing their branch and often incur stabling and fuel-related expenses, albeit at a lower level than those who compete across the water.

Ireland Mainland Travel (Republic of Ireland –  RDS or IPC Champs)

  • 2 competition entries paid for by EDPC per competitor
  • 2 nights stabling
  • Trainer paid for by EDPC

All other requests for funding should be directed toward a DC or ADC

Groups traveling together are welcome to fundraise and apply for council funding or other bursaries. Please ensure that ALL members for each trip are included in any fundraising efforts and ensure that any fundraising efforts made in the name of EDPC are approved by a DC or ADC (in order that insurance and PC rules are complied with).

Good luck All

PC Regional and JC Championships

Congratulations on qualifying for the Championships!

Firstly decide if you’re able to go ASAP, if not please let the committee know so your slot can be passed down.

Entries will be booked by our Treasurer, Helen Pannell, the club will cover the entry fee however stabling must be booked and paid for by the member; you will get a £50 subsidy from EDPC.  There is also a Area 17 TRAVEL FUND available for anyone travelling to GB for any PC competition worth £100.

Schedule & Stables (to be updated closer to the time)

The Regional Championships Schedule  (Auchlishie) can be found here: REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS

The JCB Championships Schedule (Offchurchbury) can be found here: JCB PC CHAMPS SCHEDULE

Horse-Events Stable Booking for both venues STABLES

Pony Transport Paperwork

DEARA statement to Area 17 Rep (Fran) Feb 2024
For the purposes of return certification to Northern Ireland after competing under pony club rules, DAERA will recognise all NI resident ponies as ‘registered horses’.  Returning NI ponies will be eligible to use EHC 8433 ‘Movement back to the European Union and Northern Ireland of registered horses for racing, competition and cultural events after temporary import to GB for a period of less than 30 days’. 

Northern Ireland Port Documents – Outbound

Any pony leaving NI shores needs a completed Animal Transport Certificate which YOU fill in before departure.  This will be requested by the DEARA Checkpoint/depot when you EXIT and ENTER Northern Ireland (fill out two and take them with you).  The Check Point is before you enter the main Stena Port Area and you MUST see them before departure.  Allow an extra hour (normally it’s much quicker). The DEARA vet will take the pony’s passport and the Animal Transport Certificate go back to their office for 15 minutes and check things!  They should also check the pony’s microchip.

Belfast DAERA address – 21 Duncrue St, Belfast BT3 9AQ – MAP LOCATION

Larne DAERA address – 10 Redlands Rd, Larne BT40 1AX – MAP LOCATION

DAERA at their checkpoint/depot close to the port will also issue you with a Port Pass for the ferry – this confirms when you left NI for the vet check and that you’ve come back within 30 days.

If you are booked as freight (as opposed to private) you will also require a GMR reference which the person arranging the CHED can also do.

Unless you are a commercial Equine Business you do not need a WIT2 and the pony is travelling as a PET.

Fran Rowlatt-McCormick our Area 17 Rep informs the ports of all Pony Club members who are travelling to competitions in GB so it is important you let MAGGIE or ROSEMARY know your travel dates well ahead of time so we can pass accurate EDPC info onto Fran.


CHED (Common Health Entry Document, this is paperless, info is digital and you will have a number for re-entry to NI) is required to get back into Northern Ireland.  This is easiest done by a professional unless you have experience of them, we can give you names if EDPC isn’t organising it for you.  DAERA Document


Ferry Booking and discount codes etc. – Please request the PDF document from Christine Crozier

Travelling Equines Long Distance – Tips

Equines travel well on the ferry if they can lower their head so consider adapting the trailer or lorry to allow this for this part of the journey only – especially if it’s the overnight boat.

No matter how you go it is a long way between Co.Down and Auchlishie or Offchurchbury!  It is also sensible to allow a day for the pony to acclimatise and decompress post journey.  Options are:

Belfast-Birkenhead (Stena) (over-night option, more expensive, longer ferry, shorter drive). If you book freight you will automatically get beds for 2 with the booking.  The cost is also refundable compared to some other booking methods; we would definitely recommend flexi fares!  Cabins are often unavailable via the normal Stena website but are part of a freight booking.

Belfast/Larne-Cairnryan (cheaper ferry, longer drive). An option is to do the road journey overnight especially if you have 2 drivers.   The roads are clearer so travel time is shorter and the temperature is lower.

*Travelling via Dublin adds paperwork and cost*


The PC JCB Championships at Offchurchbury are very busy, do not expect your stable to be available or in 5* condition!  The stabling is run on a motel principle and they maximise occupancy.  Read all the information ahead of arrival and organise suitable stops and rests.  Have your equine paperwork to hand (passport, stable booking details etc).  Bring a lunge line for easy grazing if you need to wait for access and the pony needs some down time post travel.  Look after your pony before yourselves!

Stable Booking


EDPC will provide a Chef d’Equipe for the Championships.  The Championships are highly organised and run along affiliated lines so you cannot be late for your class or wearing the wrong tack etc; strict pony club rules will apply.  You must be organised and properly turned out.  Please get tack checked and fixed ASAP and new clothes ordered / bought.  Also get the farrier booked and physio / vet organised as necessary.

CHECK your vaccinations

Pony Club Rule Books 2024


Preparing for Departure

Before leaving (within 24 working hours, more flexible across a weekend) your pony needs vet checked for re-entry into Northern Ireland.  This happens at the Championships and it is usually done by Sarah Chadwick (at Offchurchbury) who will have a list of all the EDPC competitors and animals at the Champs.  You will be given her contact and will need to arrange for her to visit your pony and complete the CHED paperwork; she will issue you with a yellow copy which you need to keep safely to present at the DAERA Check Point on your return (the same one you visited when you left NI). The GB port will want your CHED number which they will check against their system.

Leave enough time to get to the boat allowing for traffic issues and a pony stop before boarding.  Sat Nav Time x 1.25 + 1 hour before sailing + 1.5 hours for stop/traffic.  e.g Auchlishie to Cairnryan allow about 7:30 hrs, Offchurchbury to Birkenhead allow 5:30-6 hours.  Cairnryan it’s about 10 hours.

Ports – Return

At Birkenhead or Cairnryan the port will ask for the CHED number and possibly passport etc.

Make sure your pony has enough hay for the journey and water.  Ideally allow them to lower their head if safe to do so.  You are able to check them on the overnight boat but you will need to ask for an escort down to the deck at the reception desk.

Belfast / Larne – You must check-in on return to DAERA Check Point NI with your CHED paperwork that the vet gave you in Scotland/England.   This is to confirm the same pony has returned to NI and is good health.