Useful Information

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The Pony Club offers so many activities both non ridden and ridden and there can be a lot to discover! This page highlights useful information that applies to all clubs nationally.

Fernie club specific useful information at the bottom of this page.

We understand starting out in Pony Club can feel like a minefield – all our committee are all on hand to help and support you with any questions or queries, however minor, just get in touch!

Pony Club Rules and Policies

To keep everyone safe and uphold fair sportsmanship it is important to have Rules and Policies for competition and to support Official decision making. We encourage everyone to familiarise themselves with the Rules and the Pony Club Policies. Login into the Resource Hub to find out more.

Parents’ Information

Volunteers and Officials all work together to offer a wealth of opportunities to Members. Parents and Guardians also play a vital role, discover more in the Resource Hub.

Members Insurance

Every Member receives insurance cover from Howden Insurance Brokers Ltd, to protect Members whilst taking part in Pony Club and other equestrian activities. You will find information below about the insurance cover and it is strongly recommended that Parents, Guardians and Members review the information regarding the insurance policy provided.


Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and The Pony Club take Safeguarding very seriously. The Safeguarding Policy signposts a range of documents, provides guidance and key contacts to support those who may have concerns about a vulnerable child, young person or adult.

If concerns are raised that any child may be suffering or likely to suffer significant harm, then the Branch Safeguarding Officer has a duty of care to report these concerns to the relevant statutory agency (including the Police, Social Care and LADO) in line with local guidance.

Our club’s Safeguarding Officer is Sharon Whitmore, and is available to discuss concerns, contact details are on contact us page.

Hat and Body Protectors

All members must wear protective helmets which conform to the standard detailed in the Pony Club Hat Rules for the current. The hat must be marked with a PC tag before the hat can be worn at any PC rally or event.

Don’t forget to organise getting new hats tagged when buying a new hat before coming to a competition or rally!


  • Hats need to be checked and tagged with a PINK hat tag before you can ride at a rally or competition
  • Please contact Kate Wallett, Sharon Whitmore or Laura Hill to have your hat tagged
  • Fixed peaks are not allowed for cross-country

Body protectors

The responsibility for choosing body protectors and the decision as to their use must rest with Members and their parents. Body protectors:

  • Must be the newer BETA 2018 standard
  • Are only compulsory for Cross Country and Pony Racing

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