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As you all know there’s a lot of preparation and work involved with all the pony club activities – running rallies, preparing schedules, taking bookings, moving equipment, setting up dressage arenas and show jumps for competitions, baking cakes, stewarding at competitions, judging and scoring, organising rosettes and trophies, clearing up afterwards, liaising with landowners, arranging all the health and safety requirements etc etc etc.

Almost everyone who helps out is a pony club parent, and only the coaches get paid.  So the only way for it to work is if everyone does a little bit.  We are always looking for people to help out, in large ways or small.  And if anyone has a specialist skill (catering, carpentry, medical, coaching etc) it would be fantastic to know.

The particular events that take a lot of volunteer-power are our:

  • One Day Event at Rolleston Hall
  • Residential and Day camps in August
  • Show Jumping and Dressage Competition on August BH Monday

Please get in touch via fernie@pcuk.org if you can help or want to, but not sure how!