Rallies, Competitions & Dress Code

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How to book onto rallies


The HHPC have moved across to entrymaster for our rally booking system.

Please set up an account with entrymaster and this means it is much quicker for you to book onto rallies. The link on the calendar page will take you to the bookings page.

Quick start guide to entrymaster

There are also rallies that are offered via Area 13 please look at the link below to book on. These are often for our older members 16+


What to Wear to Efficiency Test

PC sweatshirt & PC badge on left hand side with latest felt underneath

Beige or white jodhpurs or riding tights

White or blue shirt with pony club tie

Blue or black hat with cover if needed

Gloves – dark

Long boots or jodhpur boots with chaps (dark & polished)

Items can be purchased from GG Gear or Wainwrights links below


What to wear to Competitions

Jacket – hacking or dark

PC badge on left lapel with latest felt underneath

Beige or white jodhpurs or riding tights

White or blue shirt with pony club tie

Blue or black hat with cover if needed

Gloves – dark for Show jumping, white for dressage

Long boots or jodhpur boots with chaps (dark & polished)

White HHPC saddlecloth



What to wear XC

HH Blue Skin

Beige or white jodhpurs or riding tights

Back protector

Red Hat cover

Gloves – dark

Long boots or jodhpur boots with chaps (dark & polished)

Baton whip (if required)

White HHPC saddlecloth




What to wear to General Rallies

Beige, blue or white  jodhpurs or riding tights

PC sweatshirt

PC polo shirt or white shirt with tie (camp t- shirts are allowed)

(long sleeves are recommended if XC is part of the rally)

PC branded coat if cold or wet

Blue or black hat with cover if needed


Long boots or jodhpur boots with chaps (dark & polished)

Dark solid colour saddlecloth

Clean tack