There will be no catering at this event.
Turnout – All members must wear a riding hat when mounted (guidance on current hat standards can be
found here Once it has been checked by a
Branch official it will be marked with a current tag. Members should wear The Pony Club or Branch branded
clothing, jodhpurs/breeches – should predominately be of a solid, single colour. Dark-coloured contrast seats
are permitted. A Branch polo shirt or a plain coloured shirt with a tie or stock. Only standard riding or jodhpur
boots with a well-defined heel may be worn. Wellies, trainers or ‘muck boots’ are not acceptable. It is not
expected that clothing is new, but what is worn should be clean, neat and tidy. A jacket with a plain shirt and
Pony Club tie may be worn. Hair must be tied back securely, in a safe manner to reduce the risk of hair being
caught and to prevent scalp injuries. Body Protectors if worn should comply with current safety standards, they
are compulsory for taking part in cross country and Pony Racing
Tack – Must be safe and fit for purpose. The first time you attend a rally it is not essential at rally level that the
tack is as set out in the sport rule books, but you will be guided for the welfare of your horse or pony to make
any necessary adjustments for the future. Stirrups must be of the correct size to suit the rider’s boots. They
must have 7mm (1/4’’) clearance on either side of the boot. Side reins, grass reins and balance support reins
can be used at rallies when jumping less than 50cm.
10.00 am
Harper Potts
Belle Moore
George Jackson
Jake Cringle
Anna Brew
Dottie Pepper
Miley Cowell
Lexie Looney *
Evie Sue Murphy *
Macie Murphy *
Eva Brew
Hattie Pepper
Juliette Wilkins
Amalie Duggan
Chloe Hurst
Ruby Corkish
Amelia Corrin
Annabelle Byers
Breesha Byers
Molly Huxham
Hannah Wylie
Emilia Lace