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RALLY RULES – What to do

1. Rallies are run for the benefit of all our members – and are designed to be fun and educational

2. Rallies must be paid for on the Online Booking System. If this is a problem contact the RALLY ORGANISER
3. If you need to cancel – a refund can only be paid if your place can be filled.
4. Please do not contact instructors directly about times or any queries, you need to speak with the rally organiser, their details will be on the booking system.
5. Correct pony club attire would be very much appreciated, our rally organisers prefer not to have to remind members when inappropriately dressed
6. Please arrive in plenty of time to tack up and prepare for your session.
7. If you have any suggestions or would be interested in organising a rally please contact a member of the committee who will be happy to put forward your suggestions at the next meeting
8. Please check the website for any last minute changes or cancellations
and last but not least ENJOY YOUR SESSIONS!!!

What not to do:

Please behave in an appropriate manner – don’t run, roll, jump across,
swing over & under lawns, equipment, property that isn’t your own.

Please clear up after your pony, children and dogs! Do not distract the
ride that is taking place. The Instructor is in charge.

People very kindly offer their property for various activities, free of
charge, to keep your cost down – DO NOT ABUSE IT.

We are now able to accept BACS payments directly into our account. Please ensure that when doing this you reference the payment clearly so that Julie, our Treasurer knows what you are paying for. You can pay for Rallies, Competitions, Membership Etc.

Bank details are:
Sort code 20-15-96
Account no: 80632783

Account Name is Meynell Hunt Branch of the Pony Club.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are paying by bacs, could you please add the name of the rally as opposed to the name of child, as we struggle to identify what the payments refer to. Hopefully the Online Booking System will help with this problem.