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The Committee of the North Herefordshire Branch are committed to providing a full and varied program to suit members of all ages and abilities.

For the past 2 years our Senior Mounted Games team have won the holy grail of competitions at Horse Of The Year Show. At the other end of the scale our Mini Members have dedicated rallies twice a month and day rallies/camps in every school holiday.

All of our dedicated Sport rallies, from Dressage and Showjumping to Polocrosse and Mounted Games, are open to everyone.

We have regular fundraisers that allow us to subsidise all of our rallies, in a bid to make Pony Club accessible for all families.

Last year we subsidised our activities to a total of approximately £14,000, we hope to continue this in years to come but can only do so with the support of members and parents.

Occasionally an Area or Branch Committee will set policies, and release information, outside the official remit of Pony Club Head Office. Any such information is detailed below.

Please look at the below for information regarding our full Dress Code.
We also regularly do special items such as these snazzy socks!

North Herefordshire PC Dress Code 2024


Once you have confirmed your booking for any NHHPC rally/training then you are committing to pay the full cost for you/your child’s place. 
Refunds cannot be provided for any non-attendance, unless due to exceptional circumstances only. In which case a refund will be at the discretion of the DC and dependent upon the financial viability of the rally/training. 
Please contact the rally organizer only, if you wish to request a refund.

Please follow the below for our full Selection Policy for Team Competitions

North Herefordshire PC Team Selection Policy 2024 (1)

Area 9 Rule re Eligibility to Represent the Branch at Area Competitions
In order to be eligible to compete at Area Competitions, members from all branches in Area 9 and their horse/pony must have actively taken part in at least 3 rallies,qualifying coaching, or training sessions during the previous 12 month period unless prevented from doing so by illness, absence from home, or any other reason which in the opinion of the DC and Area Rep justifies absence.
For the purposes of this rule a rally, qualifying coaching or training session is one which is organised by a branch committee, the Area Rep, or by the training committee and must be a minimum of 1 hour in length. Each day of a Camp shall be counted as a separate rally, qualifying coaching, or training session.
In addition to demonstrating loyalty to the branch, the combination of horse and rider may also be required to prove their competence, safety, plus fitness of horse or pony, in the specific sport and level that the member wishes to participate at.