All about our branch

A warm welcome to North Shropshire Hunt Branch of the Pony Club

We use website updates, our DC’s Monthly Email and our Closed Group Facebook Page called “North Shropshire Pony Club Members” as the main way of communicating the latest information to our members. Find out what we get up to by looking at previous editions of our annual Newsletter and have a look at the different disciplines you can have a go at.

Hints & Tips for New and Prospective Members

Tack & Turnout

We like our members to have a high standard of tack and turnout at all our events. See the What to Wear page for further information

Please check the main Pony Club website for the current hat and body protector safety standards. Your hat will be checked and tagged at your first rally so it is easy for instructors to see that it is safe. You can download the PDF hat rule here.

Please note that for cross country riding at all levels including Eventing, Tetrathlon, Horse Trials, Pony Racing and Mounted Games Competitions a jockey skull cap must be worn with no fixed peak. For further details and the current safety standards see the Pony Club main website.

All North Shropshire Pony Club Sweatshirts, Ties, Hoodies & Blouson Jackets etc. are available from Wainwright Screenprint and items can be bought and sold on the Facebook page.

Jodhpurs/Breeches should predominately be of a solid, single colour. Dark-coloured contrast seats are permitted. Striped or bold patterned  jodhpurs are not permitted. However, white, cream or beige (with or without dark-coloured contrast seats) are preferred for all Area, Regional and Championships.

Your pony should have…

Clean tack that is in safe condition (it will be checked for safety eg stitching at each rally).

Plain numnah either black, brown, blue or white with piping of the same colour – no embroidery is permitted.

If you need GRASS REINS the rules have been amended to allow the use of grass reins at rallies and competitions jumping up to 50cm and in walk & trot dressage tests. There is a diagram showing the correct use of grass reins in the rule books, but the general rule is that they must NOT be attached directly from the bit to the saddle. They must be fitted to allow and not restrict the normal head position of the pony and must be of a sufficient length to allow the pony to stretch over a small fence. They may be leather or a synthetic material, however if they are synthetic, there must be a leather (or other suitable material) as a break point.

Humane girths are not permitted in any sport, whether during training or competition. A humane girth is described as having non-independent straps that will loosen if one of the straps was to break.

Booking & Attending Rallies

Please see the Calendar page to see what events/rallies we have planned.

To book in to attend a rally, please enter online.  Remember that you must book rallies by the closing date. To obtain your ride time please see the website under Ride Times.

Ride groups for rallies are put together taking into account ability, experience and age of both rider and pony/horse.  We try wherever possible to meet special requests e.g. if you share trailer or lorry with someone or can only ride at a certain time. Please add this information when booking on.  Please remember that a responsible adult must accompany and stay with you at the rally.

When at rallies/Pony Club competitions etc. for safety no dogs are allowed and younger siblings must be supervised at all times. Please remember to pick up all droppings.

Rally cancellations will be shown on the News Page of the website and we will do our utmost to inform you.

North Shropshire Hunt Branch of Pony Club has Junior, Senior and 18+ Camps  during the Summer.

All ponies and horses must be fully vaccinated for Tetanus and Equine Flu before coming into Camp.

We are pleased to announce that Senior Camp 2024 will be held at Berriewood from Monday 22nd July to Friday 26th July.

Junior Camp 2024 will be held at Longner Hall (by kind permission of Richard & Hannah Burton) from Monday 29th July to Wednesday 31st July.

Junior Camp is available to members who are 10 years of age and below whilst Senior Camp is for those members 10 years old and above (10 year olds have the choice to either attend junior or senior camp but can’t attend both!).