The Fast and the Furious

If you like Gymkhana Games and want to have lots of fun then you and your pony will love Pony Club Mounted Games.

Everyone is welcome ~ Mounted Games can be fast and furious, but members will be taught the games and how to ride them.  Members can take part doing each game all in walk and on the lead rein if they wish.

Games Rallies

These are intended to be a combination of having fun and practicing the races used for mounted games, with the aim of improving a riders confidence and general riding ability. Activities will be tailored to suit the ability of the members present at the rally to encourage new or inexperienced riders.

To compete at the Pony Club Area competitions and Zones a member must have completed at least working three rallies since 1st July of the previous year.

Branch Friendly Competitions

These competitions are organised by Branches of the Pony Club and will normally use the current years Area games.

At the competitions, which are generally run over two days, there will usually be three heats. Teams’ scores will be accumulated to decide which of the finals you end up in, i.e. the six highest scoring teams would be in the ‘A’ final and the next six highest would be in the ‘B’ final and so on. This way every team ends up competing in a final with teams of similar ability and everyone comes away with a rosette.

Pony Club Area Competition

These are the formal Pony Club competitions and are run by a Branch on behalf of the Pony Club.

If the team achieves a high enough position at Area it would go forward to the Pony Club Zone competition and then if successful onto the championships and then ultimately the Horse of the Year Show for the Senior Teams.

Competition Entry and Teams

The teams are divided into Junior,  not to have reached 11 years old as of the 1st January of the current year and Seniors, not to have reached 15 years old as of the 1st of January of the current year. At friendly competitions there are usually novice classes as well where children can be on the lead rein/assisted.

Each year we also do Presentation Rides that we are invited to attend. These take the form of a mini competition to show the general public what mounted games is all about.